
所属图书:《王玉连:布依文、汉文、英文》 出版日期:2015-12-01文章字数:66462字


到 論 敗 蕐陽
Daaus lenh baaih huafyangf,
ta:u35 lɯn33 pa:i33 xua31jaŋ31
又 谈 方向 华阳

Let us talk about Huayang again,

 騰 邦 玉連
nauz dangz beangz Yiqlianf,
nau11 taŋ11 pɯəŋ11 ji24liən31
说 到 地方 玉连

In the hometown of Yulian,

婄 里 有浪
yahbaex lix qyuslangl,
ja33paɯ31 li31 ʔju35laŋ24
婆媳 有 在后

His mother and wife were living there,

日 的常 的法
ngonz degxangz degfaad,
ŋɔn11 tɯk33ɕaŋ11 tɯk33fa:t33
日子 受歧视 被打

They were discriminated every day,

晚 瑤  双 
hamh yaaux nauz soongl nauz,
xam33 ja:u31 nau11 soŋ24 nau11
晚上 造谣 说 两 说

And they suffered from the evil gossip,

平 三妖六氛
banz saamlnyaauhrogtfans,
pan11 sa:m24a:u33zɔk35fan35
成 妖魔鬼怪

They said that the two ladies had become ghosts.

双 尔 殿 某 隆
Soongl riel deenh mbox rongz,
soŋ24 ziə24 ten33 ʔbo31 zɔŋ11
两 你 床 不 下来

The two ladies do not get off the bed,

双 尔 弄 某 出
soongl riel luangs mbox os,
soŋ24 ziə24 luəŋ35 ʔbo31 ʔo35
两 你 村子 不 出

The two ladies do not walk out of the village.

 你 當 太
maixmbegt neex dangs daail,
mai31ʔbɯk35 ne31 taŋ35 ta:i24
女子 这 如 死

如此女子诚如死 [1]
It seems that the two ladies are dead.

算 賣 要 银 價
suans gaail aul nganz gah.
suən35 ka:i24 ʔau24 ŋan11 ka33
打算 卖 要 银 价

Why not sell them for some money?

二娘 算 賣 娘
erqniangf suans gaail naangz,
24niaŋ31 suən35 ka:i24 na:ŋ11
二娘 打算 卖 小姐

二娘欲卖素梅君 [2]
The second aunt would sell Yulian’s wife,

駕 防 料 馬 报
jal faangz ndeeul mal baaus,
tɕa24 fa:ŋ11 ʔdeu24 ma24 pa:u35
委派 人 一 来 说

She sent for a man to say that:

玉連  西京
Yiqlianf bail xiyjiny,
ji24liən31 pai24 ɕi33tɕin33
玉连 去 西京

Yulian has gone to Xijing,

 當兵 的 殺
bail dangybiny deg gac,
pai24 taŋ33pin33 tɯk33 ka53
去 当兵 被 杀

And he was killed in the fight as a soldier,

丢 许 儂 唠 蘭
xeel haec nuangx laaus raanz,
ɕe24 xaɯ53 nuəŋ31 la:u35 za:n11
丢下 让 妹 耽误 家

He left you alone as a widow,

遭 空寡 唠 召
caoy kungyguaj laaus xeeuh,
ʦhau33 khuŋ33kua42 la:u35 ɕeu33
遭 空寡 耽误 辈

And you will be alone and miserable for your rest of life,

 许 儂 嫁 
nauz haec nuangx has ndaangl,
nau11 xaɯ53 nuəŋ31 xa35 ʔda:ŋ24
说 给 妹 嫁 身体

Yulian ordered you to remarry others in his dying words.

 造蘭 生 首 们 
bail xaauxraanz sunc xeeuh mengz bai.
pai24 ɕa:u31za:n11 sun53 ɕeu33 mɯŋ11 pai0
去 安家 接 代 你 (语)

In order to live a happy life for the rest of her life,

素梅 扒 
Suqmeif mbadt ramxdal,
su24mei31 ʔbat35 zam31ta24
素梅 忍住 泪水

Sumei held up her tears saying,

平 下料 父乜
banz xazreeul bohmeeh,
pan11 ɕa11zeu24 po33me33
成 笑料 父母

岂不让人笑父母 [3]
How could I do the disgraceful thing to disgrace my parents even myself,

某 漂 麻 伩頼
mbox beeul maz wenzlaail,
ʔbo31 peu24 ma11 wɯn11la:i24
不 得罪 什么 别人

And I never offend others,

算 賣 娘  伕
suans gaail naangz bail feax,
suən35 ka:i24 na:ŋ11 pai24 fɯə31
打算 卖 小姐 去 他人

Why will I be sold?

関 里 也 某 賣
gvaanl lix yej mbox gaail,
kwa:n24 li31 je42 ʔbo31 ka:i24
丈夫 有 也 不 卖

No one can sell me even if my husband wanted,

関 太 也 某 嫁
gvaanl daail yej mbox has,
kwa:n24 ta:i24 je42 ʔbo31 xa35
丈夫 死 也 不 嫁

I would never remarry even if my husband died,

天下 理 某眉
tianhyas laix mboxmiz,
diən33ja35 lai31 ʔbo31mi11
天下 道理 没有

Do not forget there are morality and justice in the world,

眉 違 恩 関 旧
miz wis anl gvaanl gaus,
mi11 wi35 ʔan24 kwa:n24 kau35
不 忘记 恩情 丈夫 自己

I will not forget my husband’s affection,

那 要 太 同 良
nac aul daail dungx riangz,
na53 ʔau24 ta:i24 tuŋ31 ziəŋ11
宁可 要 死 一起 和

I would rather die with my husband,

 邦 隂 同 會
bail beangl qyangl dungx weih.
pai24 pɯəŋ24 ʔjaŋ24 tuŋ31 wɯi33
去 地方 阴间 一起 相会

Then we would enjoy reunion in nether world.

二娘 舞 度 更
erqniangf os dul genz,
24niaŋ31 ʔo35 tu24 kɯn11
二娘 出 门 上方

The second aunt went out of the door,

 双 伩 罵 报
ranl soongl wenz mal baaus,
zan24 soŋ24 wɯn11 ma24 pa:u35
见 两 人 来 报

Seeing that two errands came to report the news,

玉連  西京
Yiqlianf bail xiyjiny,
ji24liən31 pai24 ɕi31tɕin33
玉连 去 西京

Yulian was in Xijing,

 當兵 平 仕
bail dangybiny banz sais,
pai24 taŋ33pin33 pan11 sai35
去 当兵 当 官

He joined in the army and became an official,

国 仕老 通 邦
gueh saislaaux doongc beangz,
kuə33 sai35la:u31 toŋ53 pɯəŋ11
做 大官 照耀 地方

His position was high and he was in charge of a vast of places,

皇 许 掛帥 印
weangz haec guaqsuaiq yins,
wɯəŋ11 xaɯ53 kua24suai24 jin35
皇帝 让 挂帅 印

The Emperor conferred the official seal to him in person,

迎 兵馬 隆頼
yinx binglmax rongzlail,
jin31 piŋ24ma31 zɔŋ11lai24
带领 兵马 下来

He led the soldiers and horses,

 贼 椿 皇帝
bail xag xunc weangzdais,
pai24 ɕak33 ɕun53 wɯəŋ11tai35
去 杀贼 代替 皇帝

On behalf of The Emperor,

送 报 調 騰 蘭
songs baaus diaoq dangz raanz,
sɔŋ35 pa:u35 tiau24 taŋ11 za:n11
送 报 调令 到 家

We are here to report the good news,

麻 还 吨 乜往
mal waanz dangz meehngvaangh,
ma24 wa:n11 taŋ11 me33ŋwa:ŋ33
来 报告 到 母亲

To make sure Yulian’s mother know it,

帽 料 报 隆那 敗浪
mbael ndeeul baaus lungznax baaihlangl,
ʔbaɯ24 ʔdeu24 pa:u35 luŋ11na31 pa:i33laŋ24
张 一 告诉 舅舅 后方

And also tell his uncle the good news,

志 沉 眉 许 望
xel xaml miz haec meangh.
ɕɯ24 ɕam24 mi11 xaɯ53 mɯəŋ33
心情 安定 不 给 盼望

In order to make him unworried.

二娘 如宜 吨
Erqniangf roxnyiel dangz,
24niaŋ31 zo3124 taŋ11
二娘 听见 到

The second aunt heard that,

含烦 噛 利 判
habfanz yeeuc ndil mbaans,
xap33fan11 jeu53 ʔdi24 ʔba:n35
咬牙 牙齿 差不多 缺

She was so angry that she almost hit her teeth apart,

卜你 斗 国 哽 内了
Buxneex dauc gueh byaangz ndaileeu,
pu31ne31 tau53 kuə33 pja:ŋ11 ʔdai0leu0
这个 来 做 谣言 (语)

She insisted that the news was rumor,

防你 罵 国 哄
faangzneex mal gueh lox,
fa:ŋ11ne31 ma24 kuə33 lo31
这个 来 做 骗

And it was not true,

 玉連 平 仕
nauz Yiqlianf banz sais,
nau11 ji24liən31 pan11 sai35
说 玉连 成 官

If Yulian could get a high position,

啼 变 平 鴉
roglaic bians banz al,
zɔk33lai53 piən35 pan11 ʔa24
麻雀 变 成 乌鸦

The sparrow would become raven,

陀 獁 变 麒麟
duez mal bians jizlanz,
tuə11 ma24 piən35 tɕi11lan11
只 狗 变 麟麟

The dog would become Kylin,

日麻 他 平 仕
ngonzmaz deel banz sais?
ŋɔn11ma11 te24 pan11 sai35
今天 他 成 官

那是哪天哪月事 [4]
How could such a ridiculous thing come true,

浪 們 到  浪
langl mengz daaus bail langl,
laŋ24 mɯŋ11 ta:u35 pai24 laŋ24
过后 你 返 去 后面

You just return to you coming route,

江  攞 骨
bail jaanglronl ral ndos,
pai24 tɕa:ŋ24zɔn24 za24 ʔdo35
去 路上 找 骨头

To find and pick up some bones,

 撿 來 骨 防
bail jibt ndaix ndos faangz,
pai24 tɕip35 ʔdai31 ʔdo35 fa:ŋ11
去 拣 得 骨头 鬼

You just pick up some bones of other’s tombs,

們 忙 提 罵 报
mengz miangz dez mal baaus,
mɯŋ11 miəŋ1111 ma24 pa:u35
你 赶忙 带 来 报

And you just report the bad news to his mother and wife,

报  玉連  西京
Baaus nauz Yiqlianf bail xiyjiny,
pa:u35 nau11 ji24liən31 pai24 ɕi33tɕin33
报 说 玉连 去 西京

You can say that Yulian went to Xijing,

 當 兵 提 殺
bail dangy biny deg gac,
pai24 taŋ33 pin33 tɯk33 ka53
去 当 兵 被 杀

And he as a soldier was killed,

會 送 骸 騰 蘭
wois songs xaaiz dangz raanz,
woi35 sɔŋ35 ɕa:i11 taŋ11 za:n11
我 送 尸体 到 家

You carried his bones to his home,

麻 还 吨 乜往
mal waanz dangz meehngvaangh.
ma24 wa:n11 taŋ11 me33ŋwa:ŋ33
来 还 到 母亲

And returned it to his mother,

故 要 五十 銀
gul aul hacxib nganz,
ku24 ʔau24 xa53ɕip33 ŋan11
我 拿 五十 银子

I gave you fifty liang silver

要 还 恩 們 汗
aul waanz anl mengz haanh.
ʔau24 wa:n11 ʔan24 mɯŋ11 xa:n33
要 还 嗯 你 汗水

For you as award.

比 如宜 吨 你
Bih roxnyiel ndanl neex,
pi33 zo3l24 ʔdan24 ne31
既然 听见 个 这

When they heard about the benefits promised by the second aunt,

轉丁 到  浪
xiansdinl daaus bail langl,
ɕiən35tin24 ta:u35 pai24 laŋ24
转身 返 去 后面

The errands turned back,

 江  攞 骨
bail jaanglronl ral ndos,
pai24 tɕa:ŋ24zɔn24 za24 ʔdo35
去 路上 找 骨头

They set out to find bone,

 撿 骨 防傷
bail jibt ndos faangzsiangl,
pai24 tɕip35 ʔdo35 fa:ŋ11siəŋ24
去 拣 骨头 鬼子

And they picked up the bones of other corpse,

许 夥氣 同 良
haec hocjis dungx riangz,
xaɯ53 xo53tɕi35 tuŋ31 ziəŋ11
让 朋友 一起 和

They found some companies to do that together,

 提 斗 报
liamzliamz dez dauc baaus.
liəm11liəm1111 tau53 pa:u35
赶忙 带 来 报

Then they came and reported the news,

玉連  西京
Yiqlianf bail xiyjiny,
ji24liən31 pai24 ɕi33tɕin33
玉连 去 西京

Yulian went to Xijing,

 當兵 的 殺
bail dangybiny deg gac,
pai24 taŋ33pin33 tɯk33 ka53
去 当兵 被 杀

He was killed in the army,

會 送 屍 騰 蘭
wois songs sil dangz raanz,
woi35 sɔŋ35 si24 taŋ11 za:n11
我 送 尸体 到 家

I sent his bones to his home,

罵 还 吨 乜往
mal waanz dangz meehngvaangh.
ma24 wa:n11 taŋ11 me33ŋwa:ŋ33
来 还 到 母亲

By the way,I tell you his last words for you.

 婄 啼 放音
Yah beax daic xuangshingl,
ja33 pɯə31 tai53 ɕuəŋ35xiŋ24
婆婆 媳妇 哭 放声

Yulian’ mother and wife cried loudly due to sorrow,

平 廷太 廷到
banz dingzdaail tingzdaaus,
pan11 tiŋ11ta:i24 tiŋ11ta:u35
成 半死 半回

Their sorrow and pain was not less than losing their lives,

乃 太 了 乃 眐 
naaih daic leeux naaih ximl baileeu,
na:i33 tai53 leu31 na:i33 ɕim24 pai0leu0
慢慢 哭 完 慢慢 看 (语)

After crying,they looked at the bone carefully,

针 色  要 洫
jiml sagt ndaangl aul liad,
tɕim24 sak35 ʔda:ŋ24 ʔau24 liət33
针 刺 身体 取 血

They fetched a needle to pierce the mother’s hand to get blood,

挽 注 骨 眉 沉
dos ɕos ndos miz xaml,
to35 ɕo35 ʔdo35 mi11 ɕam24
点 放 骨头 不 沉

The mother’s blood dropped on the bone but it did not fuse with the bone,

利含 昂 我 
ndilhamz angl gul runh,
ʔdi24xam11 ʔaŋ24 ku24 zun33
憎恨 恼怒 我 尽

They were very angry and furious,

骨 某 的 骨 関
Ndos mbox deg ndos guaanl,
ʔdo35 ʔbo31 tɯk33 ʔdo35 kua:n24
骨头 不 是 骨头 丈夫

This bone is not from my husband,

防 你 防 卜 混
faang neex faangz bux ens.
fa:ŋ ne31 fa:ŋ11 pu31 ʔɯn35
人 这 人 人 别的

This is not my husband,

 骨  过 法
Xidt ndos bail gogt fal,
ɕit35 ʔdo35 pai24 kɔk35 fa24
丢 骨头 去 脚 板壁

So they threw the hone away,

许 托 獁  唁
haec duez mal bail heenx.
xaɯ53 tuə11 ma24 pai24 xen31
让 只 狗 去 啃

A dog was biting the bone,

二娘 睇 太 睍 來 了
Erqniangf dees dal ranl raaix leeu,
24niaŋ31 te35 ta24 zan24 za:i31 leu0
二娘 看 眼 见 真 (语)

The second aunt saw that,

条 計 你 眉 平
deeuz jiq neex miz banz,
teu11 tɕi24 ne31 mi11 pan11
条 计谋 这 不 行

She knew her plot was in vain.

日浪 罵 算 幕
ngonzlangl mal suans mos,
ŋɔn11laŋ24 ma24 suən35 mo35
第二天 来 算 又

The next day,it occurred to her a new conspiracy,

算 罵 摇 王漢
suans mal nyaaux Wangfhanq:
suən35 ma24a:u31 waŋ31 xan24
算 来 唠叨 王汉

So she told her husband,

蘭 娄 眉 寵亮
Raanz rauz miz rogriangs,
za:n11 zau11 mi11 zɔk33ziəŋ35
家 我们 不 清闲

Our family is not in peace,

蘭 里 卜 太傷
raanz lix bux daailsiangl,
za:n11 li31 pu31 ta:i24siəŋ24
家 有 人 猝死

Because there is a ghost at home called Sudden Death,

常 時 罵 平病
xaangz xez mal banzbingh,
ɕa:ŋ11 ɕɯ11 ma24 pan11piŋ33
常常 时候 来 生病

The members of our family are frequently sick,

們  請 卜 儈
mengz bail xingc bux wois,
mɯŋ11 pai24 ɕiŋ53 pu31 woi35
你 去 请 人 仆人

Please find a servant,

們   卜道
mengz bail nuz buxdaauh,
mɯŋ11 pai24 nau11 pu31ta:u33
你 去 找 道士

And ask him to invite some monks,

斗 国 双 日 経
dauc gueh soongl ngonz jings,
tau53 kuə33 soŋ24 ŋɔn11 tɕiŋ35
来 做 两 天 经

Let them chant scriptures for two or three days,

林 国 三 日 懴
rimz gueh saaml ngonz xaail,
zim11 kuə33 sa:m24 ŋɔn11 ɕa:i24
准备 做 三 天 斋戒

Let them hold a memorial ceremony for three days,

斗 讀 訴  悶
dauc doh sos bail mbenl,
tau53 to33 so35 pai24 ʔbɯn24
来 读 诉 去 天上

Let them release the soul from purgatory,

许 蘭 伩 寵亮
haec raanz wenz rogriangs.
xaɯ53 za:n11 wɯn11 zɔk33ziəŋ35
给 家 人 清闲

In order to ensure the peace of the famlily.

請 道 斗 騰 蘭
Xingc daauh dauc dangz raanz,
ɕiŋ53 ta:u33 tau53 taŋ11 za:n11
请 道士 来 到 家

The monks came,

斗 攞 坦 挷塟
dauc ral deenh peangcxaangh,
tau53 za24 ten33 pɯəŋ53ɕa:ŋ33
来 找 地点 做法事

They found a place for conducting religious rites,

国 莱 四 五 日
gueh ndaix sis hac ngonz,
kuə33 ʔdai31 si35 xa53 ŋɔn11
做 得 四 五 天

It lasted for four or five days,

 王盛 罵 
raiz wangfsenq mal simh,
zai11 waŋ31sɯn24 ma24 sim33
找 王盛 来 耳语

She told Wang Sheng on the ear secretly,

們 殺 漢 道 太
Mengz gac has daauh daail,
mɯŋ11 ka53 xa35 ta:u33 ta:i24
你 杀 汉人 道士 死

You just kill the monks,

屍骸 注 入 皮
silxaaiz xos rug bix,
si24ɕa:i11 ɕo35 zuk33 pi31
尸体 搁 卧室 嫂子

And hide the bodies into sister-in law’s room,

故 要 五十 銀
gul aul hacxib nganz,
ku24 ʔau24 xa53ɕip33 ŋan11
我 要 五十 银子

I gave you fifty liang silver,

要 还恩 們 儂
aul waanzanl mengz nuangx.
ʔau24 wa:n11ʔan24 mɯŋ11 nuəŋ31
要 还恩 你 弟

To reward you for the favor you did for me,

王盛 領 注 
Wangfsenq lingx xos ndaangl,
waŋ31sɯm24 liŋ31 ɕo35 ʔda:ŋ24
王盛 领 放 身上

Wang Sheng had no choice but to take up it,

壮力 杀 汗 道
xuangsreengz gac has daauh,
ɕuəŋ35zeŋ11 ka53 xa35 ta:u33
使力 杀 汉人 道士

And he intended to kill the monk,

那鶏 江 定夤
nacgais jaangl dinlhenz,
na53kai35 tɕa:ŋ24 tin24xɯn11
鸡叫 中间 半夜

In the deep night,

和尚 舞  沌
hofsangq os bail gvaangx,
xo31saŋ24 ʔo35 pai24 kwa:ŋ31
和尚 出 去 解手

When the monk got up to pee,

 托 手 卜 哑
bail dogt fengz bux qyas.
pai24 tɔk35 fɯŋ11 pu31 ʔja35
去 落 手 人 坏

He was framed crually by the evildoer.

王盛 殺 国 太
Wangfsenq gac gueh daail,
waŋ31sɯn24 ka53 kuə33 ta:i24
王盛 杀 做 死

Wang Sheng then killed him,

屍骸 注 入 皮
silxaaiz xos rug bix,
si24ɕa:i11 ɕo35 zuk33 pi31
尸体 搁 卧室 嫂子

He hid the corpse in the sister-in-law’s room.

睅 浪 龍 查界
hadt langl roongh xazjaail,
xat35 laŋ24 zoŋ33 ɕa11tɕa:i24
早上 后面 亮 (状)

In the next early morning,

睍 伩 太 平 洫
ranl wenz daail banz liad,
zan24 wɯn11 ta:i24 pan11 liət33
见 人 死 成 血

The second aunt saw the blood,

算 罵 摇 王漢
suans mal nyaaux Wangfhanq,
suən35 ma24a:u31 waŋ31xan24
打算 来 唠叨 王汉

恶妇直冲王汉来 [5]
She rush to Wanghan angrily.

日你 蘭 娄 壊
Ngonzneex raanz rauz waaih,
ŋɔn11ne31 za:n11 zau11 wa:i33
今天 家 我们 坏

How damned unlucky our family is nowadays!

双 婄 妖婧
soongl yahbaex yaoyjiny,
soŋ24 ja33paɯ31 jau33tɕin33
两 婆媳 妖精

All the mishap can be attributed to the two demon-like women—Yulian’s mother and wife.

争疯 殺 漢 道
mbeasbah gac has daauh.
ʔbɯə35pa33 ka53 xa35 ta:u33
发疯 杀 汉族 道士

The two ladies were crazy and they killed the monk.

 吞 府 报明
Bail ndanl fuj baausmingz,
pai24 ʔdan24 fu42 pa:u35miŋ11
去 个 府 申诉

The evil couple went to the court,

莱 呈字  报
raaiz cenfziq bail baaus,
za:i11 ʦhɯn31ʦו24 pai24 pa:u35
写 呈书 去 报

They submitted the indictment to the court.

仕 知府 眉 依
sais ziyfuj miz il,
sai35 ʦו33fu42 mi11 ʔi24
官 知府 不 同意

The official mansion requested for proof,

丢 命 伩 眉 变
xeel mingh wenz miz bians.
ɕe24 miŋ33 wɯn11 mi11 piən35
失去 性命 人 不 变

And said that there must exist discipline and justices,

婄 同 商量
Yahbaex dungx sangyliangf,
ja33paɯ31 tuŋ31 saŋ33liəŋ31
婆媳 一起 商量

The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law negotiated

莱 呈字  訴
raaiz cenfziq bail so:
za:i11 ʦɯn31ʦו24 pai24 so35
写 诉状 去 诉说

To write down indictment to show their plaint.

訴 双會 殺 伩
Sos soonglwois gac wenz,
so35 soŋ24woi35 ka53 wɯn11
告 我俩 杀 人

It said that how could we kill others?

更悶 浪 如以 内了
genzmbenl lengc roxees ndeileeu,
kɯn11ʔbɯn24 lɯŋ53 zo31ʔe35 ʔdei0leu0
天上 才 知道 (语)

May the God know that If it was true,we would be struck by lightning!

二娘 同哑 頼
erqniangf dungxqyas laail,
24niaŋ31 tuŋ31ʔja35 la:i24
二娘 坏心肠 多

The second aunt was too evil and mischievous,

殺 太 提 罵 害
gac daail dez mal haais.
ka53 ta:i2411 ma24 xa:i35
杀 死 拿 来 害

She killed the monk but she transferred the criminal into us,

仕 知府 眉 
Sais ziyfuj miz nyiel,
sai35 ʦו33fu42 mi11
官 知府 不 听

The officials did not listen to them and did not trust them,

改 耳 丢 眉 尔
gaail riez xeel miz ngeh.
ka:i24 ziə11 ɕe24 mi11 ŋɯ33
卖 耳 丢 不 看

The officials even did not take a glimpse over the two ladies,

二娘 到罵 浪
Erqniangf daausmal langl,
24niaŋ31 ta:u35ma24 laŋ24
二娘 过来 后面

The second aunt turned up in the court,

称 來 三 百 銀
xangh ndaix saaml bas nganz,
ɕaŋ33 ʔdai31 sa:m24 pa35 ŋan11
称 得 三 百 银子

She used three hundred liang silver

 许 卜 差
lianghliangh haec bux caiy,
liəŋ33liəŋ33 xaɯ53 pu31 ʦhai33
悄悄 给 人 差

She sent an errand to bribe the officials secretly.

提  涯 许 仕
dez bail yaz haec sais,
11 pai24 ja11 xaɯ53 sai35
食 去 押 给 官

She ordered them to give the money to the official head,

仕 來 銀 騰 手
sais ndaix nganz dangz fengz,
sai35 ʔdai31 ŋan11 taŋ11 fɯŋ11
官 得 银子 到 手

When the officials saw the money,

双 丁 排料 蹉
soongl dinl baizndeeul xaadt,
soŋ24 tin24 pai11ʔdeu24 ɕa:t35
两 脚 同时 跺脚

They roared and jumped to misuse the two poor ladies,

嗎 婄 妖婧
ndas yahbaex yaoyjiny,
ʔda35 ja33paɯ31 jau33tɕin33
骂 婆媳 妖精

They call them ghosts or bitch,

争疯 殺 汗 道
mbeasbah gac has daauh.
ʔbɯə35pa33 ka53 xa35 ta:u33
发疯 杀 汉人 道士

You were insane to kill the monk,

仕 知府 令 恨
Sais ziyfuj linq hanl,
sai35 ʦו33fu53 lin24 xan24
官 知府 命令 急

And they issued the orders in time,

日 料 三 到 令
ngonz ndeeul saaml daaus linq,
ŋɔn11 ʔdeu24 sa:m24 ta:u35 lin24
天 一 三 次 命令

Three times of order in one day,

 法 注 邏吞
xah faz xos lacndanl,
ɕa33 fa11 ɕo35 la53ʔdan24
索子 铁 放 身体

The rope was worn on their bodies,

婄 隆 武 跪
yahbaex rongz hos gvih,
ja33paɯ31 zɔŋ11 xo35 kwi33
婆媳 下 膝 跪

They had to surrender and they were seriously tortured when kneeling down,

洒  更交
ramxsees sonl genzjauc,
zam31se35 sɔn24 kɯn11tɕau53
开水 淋 头上

Moreover,they suffered a lot from being poured by boiling water,

许 他  所所
haec deel nauz sohsoh.
xaɯ53 te24 nau11 so33so33
让 他 说 直接

The two poor women were forced to confess the criminal of the evil doing,

註 太白金星
jol taiqbefjinyxiny,
tɕo24 thai24pe31tɕin33ɕin33
感谢 太白金星

At that moment,thanks for the appearance of Tai Baijing Star,

隆 更悶 斗 交
rongz genzmbenl dauc jaus,
zɔŋ11 kɯn11ʔbɯn24 tau53 tɕau35
下 天上 来 救

He came from the heaven to save the two poor ladies,

洒 平 瀀
ramxsees banz ramxrauc,
zam31se35 pan11 zam31 zau53
开水 成 温水

He made the boiling water cool,

 交 也 眉 應
faad jauc yej miz inl,
fa:t33 tɕau53 je42 mi11 ʔin24
抽打 头 也 不 疼

And he made the two not feel painful in the beating,

打 丁 也 某 痛
haaix dinl yej mbox jeedt.
xa:i31 tin24 je42 ʔbo31 tɕet35
打 脚 也 不 痛

The did not feel painful when they were beat,

 婄 啼 了 日
yahbaex daic leeux ngonz,
ja33paɯ31 tai53 leu31 ŋɔn11
婆媳 哭 整 天

The two were crying day and night,

眉里 吨列 訒
mizlix ndanllaez renh,
mi11li31 ʔdan24laɯ11 zɯn33
没有 个哪 承认

But they did not confess or admit the guilt,

提  注 牢立
dez bail xos laauzlabt,
11 pai24 ɕo35 la:u11lap35
拿 去 放 暗牢

So they were caged in the dark prison,

日浪   殺
ngonzlangl xabt bail gac.
ŋɔn11laŋ24 ɕap35 pai24 ka53
翌日 打算 去 杀

And they would be killed later,

娘 素梅 罵 
naangz Suqmeif mal nauz:
na:ŋ11 su24mei31 ma24 nau11
小姐 素梅 来 说

Sumei said to her mother-in-law,

日主 殺 双娄 了 乜
Ngonzxoh gac soonglrauz lo meeh,
ŋɔn11ɕo33 ka53 soŋ24zau11 lo0 me33
明天 杀 我俩 (语)母亲

We will be killed tomorrow,

国 様列 某 被
gueh yianghlaez mbox bis,
kuə33 jiəŋ33laɯ11 ʔbo31 pi35
做 怎样 不 逃脱

We can not be spared anyway,

比  領 也 太
bihnauz lingx yej daail,
pi33nau11 liŋ31 je42 ta:i24
即使 承认 也 死

We will die no matter we confess

比 眉 領 也 太
bih miz lingx yej daail,
pi33 mi11 liŋ31 je42 ta:i24
即使 不 承认 也 死

Or not,

屍骸 眉 卜 过
silxaaiz miz bux gomh,
si24ɕa:i11 mi11 pu31 kɔm33
尸体 没 人 盖

And no one will bury our corpse,

卜 眉 皮 列 
boh mbox bix laez yaangh,
po33 ʔbo31 pi31 laɯ11 ja:ŋ33
父 不 兄 哪个 看

No brothers and fathers would visit and see us,

浪 某 那 列 睇
lungz mbox nax laez dees,
luŋ11 ʔbo31 na31 laɯ11 te35
舅父 不 舅舅 哪个 看望

And no other relatives show mercy to us.

只 會 領 注 
Xeel wois lingx xos ndaangl,
ɕe33 woi35 liŋ31 ɕo35 ʔda:ŋ24
就 我 承认 放 身上

So why not let me to confess the criminal,

娘 只 眉 算数
naangz xih miz suanssos,
na:ŋ11 ɕi33 mi11 suən35so35
小姐 就 不 算数

I am of no importance,

放 乜往 有 浪
xuangs meehngvaangh qyus langl,
ɕuəŋ35 me33ŋwa:ŋ33 ʔju35 laŋ24
留 母亲 在 后面

I hope you--my mother,can live longer,

旺 仂 乜 罵 騰
waangh leg meeh mal dangz,
wa:ŋ33 lɯk33 me33 ma24 taŋ11
说不定 儿子 母 来 到

If your son will come back and see you,

里 罵 睍 相會
lix mal ranl xianghweih.
li31 ma24 zan24 ɕiəŋ33wɯi33
有 来 见 相会

You will enjoy the happiness and reunion.

乜 者 到罵 
Meeh jees daausmal haanl,
me33 tɕe35 ta:u35ma24 xa:n24
母亲 老 过来 答

The mother answered,

 许 娘 素梅
nauz haec naangz Suqmeif:
nau11 xaɯ53 na:ŋ11 su24mei31
说 给 小姐 素梅

Sumei,listen to me carefully,

嗳 仂 呵
Ai leg hee,
ʔai0 lɯk33 xe0
哎 儿 呵

My dear daughter,

许 故 領 注 
haec gul lingx xos ndaangl,
xaɯ53 ku24 liŋ31 ɕo35 ʔda:ŋ24
让 我 承认 放 身上

Let me admit the guilt,

太 盤 妨 诗 别
daail banz faangz xih byah,
ta:i24 pan11 fa:ŋ11 ɕi33 pja33
死 成 鬼 就 分离

And I am ready to leave the world as a ghost,

們 歳年 里 稳
mengz bilnyeenz lix uns,
mɯŋ11 pi24en11 li31 ʔun35
你 年龄 还 嫩

You are still young,

愁氣 差 仂 儸
xaanghyis xac leg rauz,
ɕa:ŋ33ji35 ɕa53 lɯk33 zau11
专心 等待 儿子 我

And you are waiting for my son sincerely,

他 如 罵 日 两
deel rox mal ngonz liangh,
te24 zo31 ma24 ŋɔn11 liəŋ33
他 会 来 天 某

He will came back definitely,

枉 他 到 罵 騰
waangh deel daaus mal dangz,
wa:ŋ33 te24 ta:u35 ma24 taŋ11
或许 他 回 来 到

When he comes back,

里 罵 睍 相會
lix mal ranl xianghweih,
li31 ma24 zan24 ɕiəŋ33wɯi33
有 来 见 相会

You two will meet each other,

眉 那 太 同 太
miz nac daail dungx daail,
mi11 na53 ta:i24 tuŋ31 ta:i24
要不 宁可 死 一起 死

Otherwise,I would rather die together.

只 伩頼 了 氣
xih wenzlaail leeux yis,
ɕi33 wɯn11la:i24 leu31 ji35
就 别人 非常 担心

以免留下让人忧 [6]
The one would be in deep sadness if the other left the world.

 婄 同对 
Yah baex dungxdois ronl,
ja33 paɯ31 tuŋ31toi35 zɔn24
婆婆 媳妇 结伴 路

The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law die together,

 邦 隂 同有
bail beangz qyangl dungxqyus.
pai24 pɯəŋ11 ʔjaŋ24 tuŋ31ʔju35
去 地方 阴间 一起

We will still stay together even in the nether world,

故 卜 老 双便 
Gul bux jees soonglbyoml baileeux,
ku24 pu31 tɕe31 soŋ24pjɔm24 pai0leu031
我 人 大 两种头发 (语)

I will die very soon,

双 日 好  
soongl ngonz hauc bail naamh,
soŋ24 ŋɔn11 xau53 pai24 na:m33
两 天 入 去 土

And I am about to leave the world,

也 某 氣 麻 頼
yej mbox yis maz laail,
je42 ʔbo31 ji35 ma11 la:i24
也 不 担心 什么 多

I have nothing to worry about,

唠 太 托 婄 獨 内了
laaul daais dogt baex doh ndeileeu,
la:u24 ta:i35 tɔk35 paɯ31 to33 ʔdei0leu0
担心 注定 落 媳妇 唯一 (语)

It is my fate that my son would die young and you would be alone and lonely as a widow,

命 故 托 枷锁
mingh gul dogt jaysoj [7]
miŋ33 ku24 tɔk35 tɕa33so42
命 我 犯 枷锁

But I am doomed to have some bad luck,

托 馬倒 八敗
dogt maldauh bafbaiq,
tɔk35 ma24tau33 pa11pai24
犯 灰狗 八败

There must be some difficulties and frustrations in my destiny,

浪 造 壊 召 伩
lengc xaaux waaih xeeuh wenz,
lɯŋ53 ɕa:u31 wa:i33 ɕeu33 wɯn11
才 开始 坏 辈 人

So my life is so miserable,

许 們 太 良  仂 那
haec mengz daail riangz yah leg na.
xaɯ53 mɯŋ11 ta:i24 ziəŋ11 ja33 lɯk33 na0
让 你 死 和 婆婆儿 (语)

And you are influenced by me to suffer from the adversity,

鶏 恨 哻 但 哻
Gais hanl sauh daaml sauh,
kai35 xan24 sau33 ta:m24 sau33
鸡 叫 遍 接 遍

The cocks were singing again and again,

楼 垒 更 但 更
lauz ndois geny daaml geny,
lau11 ʔdoi35 kɯn33 ta:m24 kɯn33
楼 敲 更 又 更

The drums were beat again and again,

双 娄 某 來 
soongl rauz mbox ndaix ninz,
soŋ24 zau11 ʔbo31 ʔdai31 nin11
两 我 不 得 睡

We could not sleep,

啼 了 夤 騰 寵
daic leeux henz dangz roongh.
tai53 leu31 xɯn11 taŋ11 zoŋ33
哭 完 夜晚 到 夜晚

And we were in tears all the night,

楼 垒 点 五 更
Lauz ndois diamc wuj geny,
lau11 ʔdoi35 tiəm53 wu42 kɯn33
楼 敲 点 五 更

The drums were beat again and again in the prison,

悶 開 廉 冗 定
mbenl haail liamz roongh dingh,
ʔbɯn24 xa:i24 liəm11 zoŋ33 tiŋ33
天 开 恰恰 亮 定

The dawn came,

口 時 午 断 日
hauc xez sax doonh ngonz,
xau53 ɕɯ11 sa31 ton33 ŋɔn11
入 时辰 午 中间 天

In the noon,

騰 時 殺 双 命
dangz xez gac soongl mingh,
taŋ11 ɕɯ11 ka53 soŋ24 miŋ33
到 时候 杀 两 命

We two will be killed very soon,

捕锁 拴  
bujsuoj head dinl fengz,
pu42suo42 xɯət33 tin24 fɯŋ11
枷锁 捆 脚 手

Our hands and legs will be tied tightly.

 屋 牢  殺
xingl os laauz bail gac,
ɕiŋ24 ʔo35 la:u11 pai24 ka53
牵 出 牢房 去 杀

We will be dragged out of the jail to execution ground.

騰  提 教蓮
dangz bail dez jaaullianz,
taŋ11 pai2411 tɕa:u24liən11
到 去 带 脚镣

We will be tightly and cruelly shackled.

 老 哄 吁 嗊,
xungs laaux hoongz yis gumx,
ɕuŋ35 la:u31 xoŋ11 ji35 kum31
火炮 大 响 声音 咚咚

The noise of the drum beating was noisy and crazy,

掩 法 鉠 注 手
yanh fah qyaangx xos fengz,
jan33 fa33 ʔja:ŋ31 ɕo35 fɯŋ11
递 把 剑 放 手

The big ablaze knives were in the hands of the jailers,

取 悶 紅  方
ranl mbenl ndingl bail feangh,
zan24 ʔbɯn24 ʔdiŋ24 pai24 fɯəŋ33
见 天 红 去 一半

忽然九天红半边 [8]
All of a sudden,the sky became crimson and scarlet due to the deep grievance,

乞 太白金星,
Jol taiqbefjinyxiny,
tɕo24 thai24pe31tɕin33ɕin33
幸亏 太白金星

Thanks for Tai Baijing Star,

隆 更悶 斗 救
rongz genzmbenl dauc jaus,
zɔŋ11 kɯn11ʔbɯn24 tau53 tɕau35
下 天上 来 救

He came from the heaven to rescue the two ladies,

假国卜 差 皇
jajguehbux caiy weangz,
tɕa42kuə33pu31 tshai33 wɯəŋ11
装成 差使 皇帝

He dressed as an errand,

慌忙 字 斗 救
huangymangf sel dauc jaus,
xuaŋ33maŋ3124 tau53 tɕau35
匆忙 赦书 来 救

He wrote a letter to save the two in a rush,

來 赦書 斗 開
ndaix sefsuy dauc haail,
ʔdai31 se31su33 tau53 xa:i24
得 赦书 来 开

He unfolded the letter,

莱 字  様 有
raaiz sel nauz yiangh qyus,
za:i1124 nau11 jiəŋ33 ʔju35
写 字 说 东西 在

It read that

赦 了 卜 犯罪
sef liaoj bux fanqzuiq,
se31 liau42 pu31 fan24tsui24
赦免 了 人 犯罪

The two criminals were pardoned,

開 縤 法 他 出
haail xah faz deel os,
xa:i24 ɕa33 fa11 te24 ʔo35
开 索 铁 她 出

So the rope was untied and loosened,

 婄 來 迯 太
yah baex ndaix deeuz daail,
ja33 paɯ31 ʔdai31 teu11 ta:i24
婆婆 媳妇 得 逃 死

They escaped from being killed,

開 縤法 只 出
haail xahfaz xih os,
xa:i24 ɕa33fa11 ɕi33 ʔo35
开 铁链 就 出

After escaping from being died,

 婄 到 罵 蘭
yah baex daaus mal raanz,
ja33 paɯ31 ta:u35 ma24 za:n11
婆婆 媳妇 返 来 家

The two ladies returned home merrily and happily.

乜娘 願 開 咟
meehniangf yians haail bas:
me33niaŋ31 jiən35 xa:i24 pa35
叔娘 就 开 口

The second aunt said,

卜 有 獄 有 牢
Bux qyus yuz qyus laauz,
pu31 ʔju35 ju11 ʔju35 la:u11
人 在 监狱 在 牢房

You were criminals from the prison,

 好 毫 好 哑
ndaangl haul haauz haul qyas,
ʔda:ŋ24 xau24 xa:u11 xau24 ʔja35
身体 臭 腥味 臭 坏

You are very dirty,

犯罪 列 罵 蘭
fanqzuiq leez mal raanz,
fan24ʦui24 le11 ma24 za:n11
犯罪 跑 来 家

Since you escaped from the prison,

吞  某未 就
ndanl ndaangl mboxfih seeus,
ʔdan24 ʔda:ŋ24 ʔbo31fi33 seu35
个 身体 还没 干净

Your bodies are so dirty,

尔  有 吞 由
riel bail qyus ndanl eeux,
ziə24 pai24 ʔju35 ʔdan24 ʔeu31
你 去 在 个 粮仓

You only can live in the granary,

尔  有 吞 爷
riel bail qyus ndanl yeaz,
ziə24 pai24 ʔju35 ʔdan24 jɯə11
你 去 在 个 仓

You go to live in the granary,

宜 双 日 料 貫
nyiz soongl ngonz ndeeul goons.
i11 soŋ24 ŋɔn11 ʔdeu24 kon35
等待 两 天 一 先

For one or two days,

 婄 浪  睡
Yah baex lengc bail ninz,
ja33 paɯ31 lɯŋ53 pai24 nin11
婆婆 媳妇 才 去 睡

The two ladies went to sleep first,

究夤 要  燒
jaanglhenz aul fiz xomh,
tɕa:ŋ24xɯn11 ʔau24 fi11 ɕɔm33
半夜 要 火 烧

Unfortunately,someone virulent set an evil fire to the granary,

 通  悶
soilfiz doongc bail mbenl,
soi24fi11 toŋ53 pai24 ʔbɯn24
火苗 照耀 去 天上

The flame even could touch the sky,

金星 隆 斗 救
jinyxiny rongz dauc jaus,
tɕin33ɕin33 zɔŋ11 tau53 tɕau35
金星 下 来 救

Tai Baijing Star came again

救 婄 出 由
jaus yahbaex os eeux,
tɕau35 ja33paɯ31 ʔo35 ʔeu31
救 婆媳 出 粮仓

To rescue them from the granary,

 婄 出 爷
beeuc yahbaex os yeaz,
peu53 ja33paɯ31 ʔo35 jɯə11
收拾 婆媳 出 仓

Both of them were rescued from the granary,

破  注 江弄
beal bail xos jaanglndongl.
pɯə24 pai24 ɕo35 tɕa:ŋ24ʔdɔŋ24
抬 去 放 森林

They were carried out and put into the forest,

睅浪 冗 查界
Hadtlangl roongh xazjaail,
xat35laŋ24 zoŋ33 ɕa11tɕa:i24
早上 后面 亮(状)

The next early morning,

睇 眉 睍 屍骸
dees miz ranl silxaaiz,
te35 mi11 zan24 si24ɕa:i11
看 不 见 尸体

The corpse can not be seen,

伩 太 眉 睍 骨
wenz daail miz ranl ndos,
wɯn11 ta:i24 mi11 zan24 ʔdo35
人 死 不 见 骨

Where could the corpse he?

二娘 到 罵 嘆
Erqniangf daaus mal haanl,
24niaŋ31 ta:u35 ma24 xa:n24
二娘 返 来 答

The second aunt

 许 貺 如以
nauz haec gvaangl roxees:
nau11 xaɯ53 kwa:n24 zo31ʔe35
说 给 公子 知道

Said to her husband,

双 他 究夤 迯
soongl deel jaanglhenz deeuz,
soŋ24 te24 tɕa:ŋ24xɯn11 teu11
两 他 夜晚 逃

They escaped in the night,

們 忙 寮  睇
mengz miangz leeul bail dees,
mɯŋ11 miəŋ11 leu24 pai24 te35
你 赶快 芭茅 去 看

You go out and find them,

睍 只 殺 国 太
ranl xih gac gueh daail,
zan24 ɕi33 ka53 kuə33 ta:i24
见 就 杀 做 死

You kill them once you find them,

屍骸 丢 坡 
silxaaiz xeel bol bas.
si24ɕa:i11 ɕe24 po24 pa35
尸体 丢 坡 山边

And then you can put the bodies on the mountain,

王漢 罵  
Wangfhanl mal yid jeenl,
waŋ31xan24 ma24 jit33 tɕen24
王汉 来 挽起 手

Wang Han was ready for that,

壯力   領
xuangsreengz bedt bail leens,
ɕuəŋ35zeŋ11 pɯt35 pai24 len35
使力 跑 去 探看

He rushed to find them,

 領 騰 江 
bail leens dangz jaangl ronl,
pai24 len35 taŋ11 tɕa:ŋ24 zɔn24
去 探看 到 中间 路

On the half way,

睍  婄 里 能
ranl yahbaex lix nangh,
zan24 ja33paɯ31 li31 naŋ33
见 婆媳 还 坐

He saw the two ladies sitting there,

卜料 哀 敗 料
buxndeeul ngvaaih baaih ndeeul,
pu31ʔdeu24 ŋwa:i33 pa:i33 ʔdeu24
一个 瞌睡 方向 一

The two ladies were leaning with each other on the ground,

叹 眉 斗 良 命
daans miz dauc riangz mingh.
ta:n35 mi11 tau53 ziəŋ11 miŋ33
叹气 不 来 和 命运

一副奄奄一息状 [9]
They were very frail and feeble,just like dying,

王漢 殺 国 太
Wangfhanq gac gueh daail,
Waŋ31xan24 ka53 kuə33 ta:i24
王汉 杀 做 死

Wang Han killed both of them,

屍骸 丢 破 
silxaaiz xeel bol bas,
si24ɕa:i11 ɕe24 po24 pa35
尸体 丢 山坡 山边

Their bodies were thrown on the mountain,

轉丁 到罵 蘭
xiansdinl daausmal raanz,
ɕiən35tin24 ta:u35ma24 za:n11
转身 返回 家

Then he turned back home,

乜娘 心 歡意
meehniangf saml aangsyaangh.
me33niaŋ31 sam24 ʔa:ŋ35ja:ŋ33
叔娘 心 欢畅

The second aunt was content and pleased,

 婄 能 江 弄
Yahbaex nangh jaangl ndongl,
ja33paɯ31 naŋ33 tɕa:ŋ24 ʔdɔŋ24
婆媳 坐 中间 森林

The two ladies were sitting in the forest,

魂 里 有 良 官
honl lix qyus riangz gvaanl,
xɔn24 li31 ʔju35 ziəŋ11 kwa:n24
灵魂 还 在 和 丈夫

But their souls would fly to their husbands for reunion.

乞 太白金星
jol taiqbejinyxiny,
tɕo24 thai24pe31tɕin33ɕin33
幸亏 太白金星

Thanks to Tai Baijing Star,

薬 灵丹 斗 救
iel linfdany dauc jaus,
ʔiə24 lin31tan33 tau53 tɕau35
药 灵丹 来 救

He carried panacea to save them,

救 婄 平 伩
jaus yahbaex banz wenz.
tɕau35 ja33paɯ31 pan11 wɯn11
救 婆媳 成 人

The two ladies were saved and became human being alive,

究夤 有 炉瓦
jaanglhenz qyus lohngvax,
tɕa:ŋ24xɯn11 ʔju35 lo33ŋwa31
晚上 在 瓦窑

They lived in the clay cave in the night,

乜老  騰 
Meehjees jeedt dangz ndaangl,
me33tɕe35 tɕet35 taŋ11 ʔda:ŋ24
老母亲 疼痛 到 身体

The mother-in-law felt ache in the whole body,

太 盤 妨 几 到
daail banz faangz jic daaus,
ta:i24 pan11 fa:ŋ11 tɕi53 ta:u35
死 成 鬼 几 次

She was fainted several times due to pain,

娘 素梅 了 志
naangz suqmeif leeux xel,
na:ŋ11 su24mei31 leu31 ɕɯ24
小姐 素梅 非常 诚心

Sumei was sincere and pious,

提 香 沙 斗 拜
dez yiangl sal dauc baais:
11 jiəŋ24 sa24 tau53 pa:i35
拿 香 纸 来 拜

She prayed for her while holding burning incense,

拜 了 四 向 悶
baais leeux sis yiangs mbenl,
pa:i35 leu31 si35 jiəŋ35 ʔbɯn24
拜 完 四 方向 天

She prayed the God in four directions.

娘 国 伩 騰 短
naangz gueh wenz dangz doonh,
na:ŋ11 kuə33 wɯn11 taŋ11 ton33
小姐 当 人 到 中途

I just have spent half of my life,

拜 托鼎 更喪
baais dagdauc genzsaangl,
pa:i35 tak33tau53 kɯn11sa:ŋ24
拜 北斗 天上

But I only can resort to you—my God to pray for my mother-in-law.

娘 割  仂 
naangz gveec ndaangl leg jeedt,
na:ŋ11 kwe53 ʔda:ŋ24 lɯk33 tɕet35
小姐 割 身体 不要 疼

叫我割肉也不疼 [10]
I am willing to do anything for her and I even do not feel painful to cut off my flesh if it can save her life,

會 割 肉 吞 
wois gveec noh ndael ndaangl,
woi35 kwe53 no33 ʔdaɯ24 ʔda:ŋ24
我 割 肉 内 身体

So I will cut myself

娘 割 伩 醫 
naangz gveec wenz iel yah.
na:ŋ11 kwe53 wɯn11 ʔiə24 ja33
小姐 割 人 医治 婆婆

To cure my mother-in-law,

更悶 也 太 睍
genzmbenl yej dal ranl,
kɯn11ʔbɯn24 je42 ta24 zan24
天上 也 眼 见

The immortals in the heaven were affected to see the touching scene,

娘 里 恩 眉 
naangz lix anl miz jeedt,
na:ŋ11 li31 ʔan24 mi11 tɕet35
小姐 有 恩 不 疼痛

小姐大恩身不疼 [11]
They told Sumei that you will not feel painful to save her owing to your sincerity and bravery,

素梅 造 罵 開
Suqmeif xaaux mal haail,
su24mei31 ɕa:u31 ma24 xa:i24
素梅 才 来 开

Sumei began to say,

乖 朗 講 舒 
gvaail lengc gaangc xos yah:
kwa:i24 lɯŋ53 ka:ŋ53 ɕo35ja33
聪明 才 讲 对 婆婆

She was clever to say that,

嗳  哈
Ai yah ha,
ʔai0 ja33 xa0
哎 婆婆 呵

婆婆呀 [12]
My mother,

晚連 满 時 嘲
hamhlianz meanh xez xauz,
xam33liən11 mɯən33 ɕɯ11 ɕau11
昨晚 时候 时候 晚饭

At the supper last night,

睍 繞 掵 托
ranl rograul mbinl dogt,
zan24 zɔk33zau24 ʔbin24 tɔk35
见 斑鸠 飞 落

I saw a turtledove on the ground and I caught it,

要 国 濋 醫 
aul gueh suh iel ndaangl,
ʔau24 kuə33 su33 ʔiə24 ʔda:ŋ24
要 做 汤菜 医治 身体

I specially stewed it for you,

国 茶 湯 醫 
gueh xaz dangy iel yah,
kuə33 ɕa11 taŋ33 ʔiə24 ja33
做 茶 汤 医治 婆婆

The soup can cure your disease,

 哽 了 茶 湯
Yah genl leeux xaz tangy,
ja33 kɯn24 leu31 ɕa11 taŋ33
婆婆吃 完 茶 汤

After you drink the medicine soup,

 利 様旧
ndanlndaangl ndil yianghgaus.
ʔdan24ʔda:ŋ24 ʔdi24 jiəŋ33kau35
身体 好 如初

You will be recuperate and all the disease will vanish completely.

蔴  婄 割 个
Mal ranl baex gveec gal,
ma24 zan24 paɯ31 kwe53 ka24
来 见 媳妇 割 腿

When the mother knew Sumei had cut her leg by her own,

壯 麻 哀 同主
xaangl mal ois dungxxoh.
ɕwa:ŋ24 ma24 ʔoi35 tuŋ31ɕo33
过 来 面 相向

She could not helping crying and she was immersed in great grief,

某 來 几頼 难
mbox ndaix jiclaail naanz,
ʔbo31 ʔdai31 tɕi53la:i24 na:n11
不 得 多少 长

Several days later,

忙 罵 盤 太本
miangz mal banz dalbumh,
miəŋ11 ma24 pan11 ta24pum33
忽然 来 成 眼瞎

The mother lost sight and became blind,

平 太本 太妨
banz dalbumh dalwaangz,
pan11 ta24pum33 ta24wa:ŋ11
成 眼花 眼瞎

The mother-in-law became blind,

娘 睍 大 了 氣
naangz ranl dal leeux yis,
na:ŋ11 zan24 ta24 leu31 ji35
小姐 见 眼睛 非常 担心

She was worried about it very much,

出 炉瓦 拜 悶
os lohngvax baais mbenl,
ʔo35 lo33ŋwa31 pa:i35 ʔbɯn24
出 瓦窑 拜 天

She went out of the clay cave to pray for the God,

揞  莪 啼 
ingl fal ngox daic numh.
ʔiŋ24 fa24 ŋo31 tai53 num33
靠 板壁 芦竹 哭 微微

She was crying sadly facing to the wall,

睍 燕 掵 喪
Ranl rogeens mbinl saangl,
zan24 zɔk33ʔen35 ʔbin24 sa:ŋ24
见 燕子 飞 高

A swallow was flying high,

壯忙 掵 斗 主
xaanglmiangz mbinl dauc xoh,
ɕwa:ŋ24miəŋ11 ʔbin24 tau53 ɕo33
忽然 飞 来 朝

It was flying toward to her,

們 国 燕 掵 喪
Mengz gueh ees mbinl saangl,
mɯŋ11 kuə33 ʔe35 ʔbin24 sa:ŋ24
你 当 燕子 飞 高

I implore you——the flying swallow to do me a favor,

斗 替 娘 送 信
dauc dis naangz songs sins.
tau53 ti35 na:ŋ11 sɔŋ35 sin35
来 帮助 小姐 送 信

Please help me to send a letter for me,

燕 堵 更 交
Rogeens duh genz jauc,
zɔk33ʔen35 tu33 kɯn11 tɕau53
燕子 踩 上面 头

The swallow really flew towards Sumei,

许 娘 莱 字 信
haec naangz raaiz sel sins,
xaɯ53 na:ŋ11 za:i1124 sin35
让 小姐 写 字 信

It perched there waiting for Sumei’s writing letter,

娘 罵 色 岜手
naangz mal sagt byaailfengz,
na:ŋ11 ma24 sak35 pja:i24fɯŋ11
小姐 来 插 指尖

Sumei pierced her finger,

要 洫 汵 罵 点
aul liad ndingl mal diamc,
ʔau24 liət33 ʔdiŋ24 ma24 tiəm53
要 血 红 来 点

She would use blood to write,

要 洫 焚 莱 字
aul liad foonl raaiz sel,
ʔau24 liət33 fon24 za:i1124
要 血 黑 写 字

The blood was used as ink for writing,

願 時 娘 莱 了
Yians xez naangz raaiz leeux,
jiən35 ɕɯ11 na:ŋ11 za:i11 leu31
差不多 时候 小姐 写 完

She finished the letter in a very short time,

挍 注 翅 陀 鴉
yeeux xos fead duez al,
jeu31 ɕo35 fɯət33 tuə11 ʔa24
绕 在 翅膀 只 乌鸦

一把挽在鸦翅膀 [13]
She stuck it to the wing of a swallow,

拴 注 个 陀 燕
head xos gal duez eens:
xɯət33 ɕo35 ka24 tuə11 ʔen35
捆 在 脚 只 燕子

She tied it to the leg of the swallow,

燕 嘿 燕 掵 喪
Eens hee eens mbinl saangl,
ʔen35 xe ʔen35 ʔbin24 sa:ŋ24
燕子 (语) 燕子 飞 高

My dear swallow,you just fly high,

貧 様 娘 别 对
banz yiangh naangz byah doih,
pan11 jiəŋ33 na:ŋ11 pja33 toi33
如 样子 小姐 分别 对

You are lonely like me,

貧 様 會 别 関
banz yiangh wois byah gvaanl,
pan11 jiəŋ33 woi35 pja33 kwa:n24
如 样子 我 分别 丈夫

You are alone like my husband,

蘭 儸 同 料 様
raanz rauz dungx ndeeul yiangh,
za:n11 zau11 tuŋ31 ʔdeu24 jiəŋ33
家 我们 相同 一 样

We are the same,

們 国 燕 掵 喪
mengz gueh eens mbinl saangl,
mɯŋ11 kuə33 ʔen35 ʔbin24 sa:ŋ24
你 做 燕子 飞 高

You are a swallow flying high,

斗 替 娘 送 信
dauc dis naangz songs sins,
tau53 ti35 na:ŋ11 sɔŋ35 sin35
来 替 小姐 送 信

To send letter for me,

送 信  西京
songs sins bail xiyjiny,
sɔŋ35 sin35 pai24 ɕi33tɕin33
送 信 去 西京

You just carry the letter to Xijng,

送 呈 许 関 旧
songs cenf haec gvaanl gaus,
sɔŋ35 ʦhɯn31 xaɯ53 kwa:n24 kau35
送 呈 给 丈夫 自己

You should send the letter to my husband,

许 玉連 関 娄
haec Yiqlianf gvaanl rauz,
xaɯ53 ji24liən31 kwa:n24 zau11
给 玉连 丈夫 我们

My husband is Yulian,

 许 仂甲 父 他 可
nauz haec legjax boh deel go.
nau11 xaɯ53 lɯk33tɕa31 po33 te240
说 给 孤儿 父 他 (语)

My husband is a pitiful orphan and I must give him much more concern.

 有 洞 勒 更
haux qyus dongh leg genl,
xau31 ʔju35 tɔŋ33 lɯk33 kɯn24
米 在 田野 不 吃

You’d better not eat the food in the field,

 伕 迎 弓 前 不 如
laaul feax nyinz gongl nas mbox rox,
la:u24 fɯə31in11 kɔŋ24 na35 ʔbo31 zo31
担心 别人 发射 弓 箭 不 知道

I am afraid you would be shot by others,

們 勒 良 陀 鴉
mengz leg riangz duez al,
mɯŋ11 lɯk33 ziəŋ11 tuə11 ʔa24
你 不 和 只 乌鸦

You do not follow the crow crowd.

們 勒 攞 陀 
mengz leg ral duez yeeuh,
mɯŋ11 lɯk33 za24 tuə11 jeu33
你 不 找 只 鹞

You do not join eagle group,

旁  們 勒 
baangxdah mengz leg rumz,
pa:ŋ31ta33 mɯŋ11 lɯk33 zum11
河边 你 莫 泡澡

You do not swim in river,

旁塘 們 勒 洽
baangxdamz mengz leg aabt,
pa:ŋ31tam11 mɯŋ11 lɯk33 ʔa:p35
池边 你 不 游泳

You do not bathe in pool,

 們 洽 旁塘
laaul mengz aabt bangxdamz,
la:u24 mɯŋ11 ʔa:p35 paŋ31tam11
担心 你 游泳 池边

I worry that you will be drowned in the pool,

  信 只 壊
ramx saamc sins xih waaih,
zam31 sa:m53 sin35 ɕi33 wa:i33
水 打湿 信 就 坏

And the letter would be drenched by water,

信 壊 睇 眉 明
sins waaih dees miz mingf,
sin35 wa:i33 te35 mi11 miŋ31
信 坏 看 不 清

So that that character can not be discerned,

們 忙  忙 到
mengz miangz bail miangz daaus.
mɯŋ11 miəŋ11 pai24 miəŋ11 ta:u35
你 忙 去 忙 归

You just go quickly and return as soon as possible,

燕 扒茹 掵 喪
Eens bazruh mbinl saangl,
ʔen35 pa11zu33 ʔbin24 sa:ŋ24
燕子 (状) 飞 高

The swallow flew high in a sudden,

娘  内 司 乜
naangz bail ndael saec meeh.
na:ŋ11 pai24 ʔdaɯ24 saɯ53 me33
小姐 去 里面 侍候 母亲

Sumei looked after her mother-in-law,

Rogeens bail dinzdinz,
zɔk33ʔen35 pai24 tin11tin11
燕子 去 (状)

The swallow flew and flew,

托 西京 邉界
dogt xiyjiny bianyjaail,
tɔk35 ɕi33tɕin33 piən33tɕa:i24
落 西京 边界

It landed at Xijing,

玉連 有 西京
Yiqlianf qyus xiyjiny,
ji24liən31 ʔju35 ɕi33tɕin33
玉连 在 西京

Yulian has been in Xijing

歳 你  十二 
bil neex riml xibngih baileeu,
pi24 ne31 zim24 ɕip33ŋi33 pai0leu0
岁 现在 满 十二 (语)

For twelve years,

良 公主 造蘭
riangz gungyzuj xaauxraanz,
ziəŋ11 kuŋ33ʦu42 ɕa:u31za:n11
和 公主 安家

He married the princess of Wu Emperor and settled down

良 娘 皇 国对
riangz naangz weangz guehdois,
ziəŋ11 na:ŋ11 wɯəŋ11 kuə33toi35
和 小姐 皇帝 做伴

He and the princess became a couple.

立 晚 想 拜更
labt hamh neh baaihgenz,
lap35 xam3333 pa:i33kɯn11
黑 晚上 想 上面

No matter days or nights,

夤夤 想 邦 旧
henzhenz neh beangl gaus,
xɯn11xɯn1133 pɯəŋ24 kau35
夜夜 思念 地方 自己

He missed his family members and hometown,

有 抹  国 成
qyus mbeas bail gueh xunz,
ʔju35 ʔbɯə35 pai24 kuə33 ɕun11
在 寂寞 去 做 玩耍

That night,he wandered and strolled in the yard with loneliness and dolefulness,

隆 丁  敗汝
rongz dinl bail baaihroh,
zɔŋ11 tin24 pai24 pa:i33zo33
下 脚 去 外面

He stepped outside,

屋  敗 仙 花
os bail baaih sianl wal,
ʔo35 pai24 pa:i33 siən24 wa24
出 去 方向 菜园 花

He walked to the side of the garden,

睍 燕 掵 刮
ranl rogeens mbinl gvax,
zan24 zɔk33ʔen35 ʔbin24 kwa31
见 燕子 飞 盘旋

He saw a swallow flying,

忙忙 掵 斗 主
miangzmiangz mbinl dauc xoh,
miəŋ11miəŋ11 ʔbin24 tau53 ɕo33
忽然 飞 来 相对

The swallow flew towards him,

邏 翅 里 封 字
lac fead lix fungy sel,
la53 fɯət33 li31 fuŋ3324
下方 翅膀 有 封 信

There was a letter hidden in the wing,

况 要 提 罵 睇
kvaangl aul dez mal dees,
kwa:ŋ24 ʔau2411 ma24 te35
公子 要 取 来 看

He took out and saw that,

 字 更 盒 信
ranl sel genz hogt sins,
zan2424 kɯn11 xɔk35 sin35
见 字 上面 盒子 信

Seeing the character on the cover,

溣 排手 妑 旧
lumc baizfengz baz gaus,
lum53 pai11fɯŋ11 pa11 kau35
像 手迹 妻子 自己

He felt that it seemed written by his wife Sumei,

要 封 字 罵 開
aul fungy sel mal haail,
ʔau24 fuŋ3324 ma24 xa:i24
要 信封 字 来 开

He opened the letter,

莱 字  様 有
raaiz sel nauz yiangh qyus:
za:i1124 nau11 jiəŋ33 ʔju35
写 字 说 东西 在

What did Sumei write to him?

嗳 皮 呵
Ai bix hee,
ʔai0 pi31 xe0
(语)哥 (语)

My sweetheart,

字 拜 了 浪 
sel baais [14] leeux lengc nauz,
24 pa:i35 leu31 lɯŋ53 nau11
文字 拜 完 之后 说

You just first read the letter,

叩 頭 了 浪 論
gauz jauc leeux lengc lenh,
kau11 tɕau53 leu31 lɯŋ53 lɯn33
叩 头 完 之后 述说

I sincerely hope you can read this letter carefully,

會 眉  蔴 恳
wois miz nauz maz ens,
woi35 mi11 nau11 ma11 ʔɯn35
我 不 说 什么 别的

I will not talk something else,

論 吞 州 华阳
lenh ndanl zouy huafyangf,
lɯn33 ʔdan24 tsou33 xua31jaŋ31
说 个 城市 华阳

I only talk about Hua Yang,

过 會 卜 外 張
gogt wois bux wail Zangy,
kɔk35 woi35 pu31 wai24 ʦaŋ33
根底 我 人 姓 张

My family name was Zhang,

麻 蘭 王 国 婄
mal raanz wangf gueh baex,
ma24 za:n11 waŋ31 kuə33 paɯ31
来 家 王 当 媳妇

I married family Wang,

为 里 命 双 儸
Weiq lix mingh soongl rauz,
wɯi24 li31 miŋ33 soŋ24 zau11
因为 有 命运 两 我们

Maybe it is our fate,

平 関 妑 夤 獨
banz gvaanl baz henz doh,
pan11 kwa:n24 pa11 xɯn11 to33
成 夫 妻 晚上 唯一

That we only have short staying with each other,

某 來 几頼 难
mbox ndaix jiclaail naanz,
ʔbo31 ʔdai31 tɕi53la:i24 na:n11
不 得 多少 长

Very soon,

况 到 隆  邏
gvaangl daaus rongz bail lac,
kwa:ŋ24 ta:u35 zɔŋ11 pai24 la53
丈夫 就 下 去 下方

You went out to join the army,

过  邏 离林
gvas bail lac lixlinz,
kwa35 pai24 la53 li31lin11
走 去 下方 (状)

From then on,I never heard of any news about you,

西京 利 如 哑
xiyjiny ndil rox qyas,
ɕi33tɕin33 ʔdi24 zo31 ʔja35
西京 好 还是 坏

I do not know whether you are safe and sound or not,

 婄 有 浪
xuis [15] yahbaex qyus langl,
ɕui35 ja33pɯə31 ʔju35 laŋ24
我俩 婆媳 在 后面

Our mother and I were at home waiting for you,

平 三妖 六氛
banz saamlyaoy rogtfens,
pan11 sa:m24jau33 zɔk35fɯn35
成 妖精 妖怪

We were cursed to be ghosts,

二娘 算 賣 娘
erqniangf suans gaail naangz,
24niaŋ31 suən35 ka:i24 na:ŋ11
二娘 算 卖 小姐

The second aunt wanted to sell me,

加 防 料 斗 报
jal faangz ndeeul dauc baaus,
tɕa24 fa:ŋ11 ʔdeu24 tau53 pa:u35
假借 人 一 来 报告

She ordered some one to report

报  玉連 太
baaus nauz Yiqlianf daail,
pa:u35 nau11 ji24liən31 ta:i24
报告 说 玉连 死

That Yulian has dead,

提 屍骸 騰 乜
dez silxaaiz dangz meeh,
11 si24ɕa:i11 taŋ11 me33
带 死体 到 母亲

And the corpse was also submitted to mother,

国 道 殺 和尚
gueh daauh gac hofsangq,
kuə33 ta:u33 ka53 xo31saŋ24
做 道场 杀 和尚

They killed the monks,

加 国  斗 害
jal gueh byaangz dauc haais,
tɕa24 kuə33 pja:ŋ11 tau53 xa:i35
假借 做 谎言 来 害

And shifted the misfortune into us,

仕 知府 哽 銀
Sais ziyfuj genl nganz,
sai35 ʦו33fu42 kɯn24 ŋan11
官员 知府 吃 钱

The official mansion received the bribery,

日 料 三 到 令
ngonz ndeeul saaml daaus linq,
ŋɔn11 ʔdeu24 sa:m24 ta:u35 lin24
天 一 三 次 命令

They issued the order to kill us three times within a day,

 盤 績 平 条
ndaangl banz dug banz deeuz,
ʔda:ŋ24 pan11 tuk33 pan11 teu11
身体 成 条纹 成 纹路

We were seriously hurt,

叹 太 眉 卜 救
goongz daail miz bux jaus,
koŋ11 ta:i24 mi11 pu31 tɕau35
呻吟 死 没有 人 救

No one concerned us and saved us upon our pain and death,

知府 提  焚
ziyfuj dez bail fanz,
ʦו33fu4211 pai24 fan11
知府 拿 去 砍

When the jailors were to kill us,

乞 悶吞 斗 救
jol mbenlndanl dauc jaus,
tɕo24 ʔbɯn24ʔdan24 tau53 tɕau35
多亏 天上 来 救

Fortunately,the God did us a favor when we were at stake,

乞 太白金星,
jol taiqbefjinyxiny,
tɕo24 tai24pe31tɕin33ɕin33
多亏 太白金星

Thanks to Tai Baijin Star,

救 婄 平 伩
jaus yahbaex banz wenz,
tɕau35 ja33paɯ31 pan11 wɯn11
救 婆媳 成 人

He saved us,

到 罵 睡 吞 由
daaus mal ninz ndanl eeux,
ta:u35 ma24 nin11 ʔdanl ʔeu31
又 去 睡 个 粮仓

I and mother lived in granary,

閉 殿 造 麻 睡
bid deenh xaaux mal ninz,
pit33 ten33 ɕa:u31 ma24 nin11
铺 床 才 来 睡

We took a rest on bed,

究夤 要  烧
jaanglhenz aul fiz xomh,
tɕa:ŋ24xɯn11 ʔau24 fi11 ɕɔm33
半夜 要 火 烧

The uncle and aunt set fire to burn us,

 通 騰 悶
josfiz doongc dangz mbenl,
tɕo35fi11 toŋ53 taŋ11 ʔbɯn24
火心 照耀 到 天上

The flame even touched the sky,

天星 隆 斗 救
tianyxingy rongz dauc jaus,
thiən33ɕin33 zɔŋ11 tau53 tɕau35
天 下 来 救

At that moment,Taibaijin Star came from the Heaven and saved us,

救 婄 出 由
jaus yahbaex os eeux,
tɕau35 ja33paɯ31 ʔo35 ʔeu31
救 婆媳 出 粮仓

From the burning granary,

摽  注 江 
beeuc bail xos jaangl ronl,
peu53 pai24 ɕo35 tɕa:ŋ24 zɔn24
搬 去 放 中间 路

We were moved and carried into the road,

日浪 號  殺
Ngonzlangl aaul bail gac,
ŋɔn11laŋ24 ʔa:u24 pai24 ka53
翌日 叔叔 去 杀头

Then our uncle came and intended to kill us,

婄 能 江 弄
yahbaex nangh jaangl ndongl,
ja33paɯ31 naŋ33 tɕa:ŋ24 ʔdɔŋ24
婆媳 坐 中间 森林

Our mother and I had to hide ourselves in the forest,

乞 悶吞 斗 水
jol mbenlndanl dauc xuis,
tɕo24 ʔbɯn24ʔdan24 tau53 ɕui35
幸亏 天上 来 造化

Thanks to the God,we were saved again,

到 罵 有 灶瓦
daaus mal qyus yaauzngvax,
ta:u35 ma24 ʔju35 ja:u11ŋwa31
又 来 住 砖窑

Then we lived in the clay cave again,

 平病 割 个
yah banzbingh gveec gal,
ja33 pan11piŋ33 kwe53 ka24
婆婆 生病 割 腿

Mother in law was ill and I cut my flesh for her,

交化 養 乜性
jaaulwal xiangx meehngvaangh,
tɕa:u24wa24 ɕiəŋ31 me33ŋwa:ŋ33
讨饭 养 母亲

I became a beggar to beg for food for her,

某 來 几頼 难
Mbox ndaix jiclaail naanz,
ʔbo31 ʔdai31 tɕi53la:i24 na:n11
不 得 多少 久

But a few days later,

忙 罵 盤 太本
miangz mal banz dalbumh,
miəŋ11 ma24 pan11 ta24pum33
忽然 来 成 眼瞎

Our mother became blind,

平 太本 太妨
banz dalbumh dalwaangz,
pan11 ta24pum33 ta24wa:ŋ11
成 眼花 眼瞎

Her two eyes lost sight totally,

娘 浪 罵 送 信
naangz lengc mal songs sins,
na:ŋ11 lɯŋ53 ma24 sɔŋ35 sin35
小姐 才 来 送 信

So I sent a letter for you.

燕 提 信  投
eens dez sins bail touf,
ʔen3511 sin35 pai24 tou31
燕子 带 信 去 投

The swallow carried the letter to you,

  双 物 
bail nauz soongl hoodt haaus,
pai24 nau11 soŋ24 xot35 xa:u35
去 说 两 段 话

What I want to express has been briefly written down for you in the letter,

意 皮 里 恩情
Is bix lix anlnyianz,
ʔi35 pi31 li31 ʔan24iən11
假如 哥哥 有 感情

If you still have deep affection and attachment to the past,

忙 罵 更 睇 乜
miangz mal genz dees meeh,
miəŋ11 ma24 kɯn11 te35 me33
赶忙 过来 上面 看 母亲

Please come back and see mother,

过 昨日 眉罵
gvas xohrez mizmal,
kwa35 ɕo3311 mi11ma24
过了 明后天 不来

If you do not come in the near future,

儸 眉 能 差 皮
rauz miz nangh xac bix.
zau11 mi11 naŋ33 ɕa53 pi31
找 不 坐 等待 母亲

I am afraid we could not live to the moment that we can meet each other when alive.

睇 过  騰 岜
Dees gogt bail dangz byaail,
te35 kɔk35 pai24 taŋ11 pja:i24
看 开头 去 到 末尾

He read the letter from the beginning to the end,

又 啼 太 啼 到
youq daic daail daic daaus,
jou24 tai53 ta:i24 tai53 ta:u35
又 哭 死 哭 回

While reading the letter,he wept painfully and grievously,

某 的 故 某 孝 了 儂
Mbox deg gul mbox yaaus lo nuangx,
ʔbo31 tɯk33 ku24 ʔbo31 ja:u35 lo0 nuəŋ31
不 是 我 不 孝敬 (语) 妹

In fact,I am very filial to my parents,

某 的 故 违义
mbox deg gul weihyis,
ʔbo31 tɯk33 ku24 wɯi33ji35
不 是 我 忘义

And I am also loyal to them,

  列 也 敢
bail ronl laez yej gaanh,
pai24 zɔn24 laɯ11 je42 ka:n33
去 路 哪 也 不成

But the life was full of difficulties,

走 难 有 西京
byaaic naanh qyus xiyjiny,
pja:i53 na:n33 ʔju35 ɕi33tɕin33
走 难 在 西京

I encountered setbacks and frustrations in Xijing,

眉 如 掵 様 燕
miz rox mbinl yiangh eens,
mi11 zo31 ʔbin24 jiəŋ33 ʔen35
不 会 飞 如 燕子

How could I fly high as swallow?

某 如 遨 溣 鴉
mbox rox aauh lumc al,
ʔbo31 zo31 ʔa:u33 lum53 ʔa24
不 会 翱翔 如 乌鸦

Also,I can not soar in the sky like crow,

提   眉 便
dez ndaangl bail miz bianh,
11 ʔda:ŋ24 pai24 mi11 piən33
带着 身体 去 不 快

I could not walk as fast as flying,

們 眉 如 故 难 内了
mengz miz rox gul naanh ndaileeu.
mɯŋ11 mi11 zo31 ku24 na:n33 ʔdai0leu0
你 不 知道 我 困难 (语)

You do not understand how difficult my life was and is,

到 論 敗 東京
Daausl lenh baaih dungyjinl,
ta:u35 lɯn33 pa:i33 tuŋ33tɕin24
又 讨论 方向 东京

Then let me talk about what is happening in Dongjing.

 騰 城 皇帝
nauz dangz xingz weangzdais,
nau11 taŋ11 ɕiŋ11 wɯəŋ11tai35
说 到 城市 皇帝

In terms of the capital,

楼 壘 点 五更
lauz ndois deemc wuj geny,
lau11 ʔdoi35 tem53 wu42kɯn33
城楼 敲 点 五更

It was five o’clock in the morning,

皇 壯 力 能案
weangz xaangl reengz nanghans,
wɯəŋ11 ɕwa:ŋ24 zeŋ11 naŋ33ʔan35
皇帝 尽 力 坐宝座

The Emperor was sitting the throne,

軍仕 跪 叩 頭
gunlsais gvih ngaus jauc,
kun24sai35 kwi33 ŋau35 tɕau53
军师 跪 扣 头

the military kneeled down with his head lowering down,

縁由 宜 會 訴
yanfyouf nyiel wois sos:
jan31jou3124 woi35 so35
原因 听 我 说

Please listen to me carefuuly,

 將軍 有 难
Nauz jiangyjuny qyus naanh,
nau11 tɕiəŋ33tɕun33 ʔju35 na:n33
说 将军 有 困难

It is said that the general has being trapped in trouble,

玉連 有 西京
Yiqlianf qyus xiyjiny,
ji24liən31 ʔju35 ɕi33tɕin33
玉连 在 西京

General Yulian has been captured in Emperor Xijing,

被你  十二 
bilneex riml xibngih beileeu,
pi24ne31 zim24 ɕip33ŋi33 pei0leu0
今年 满 十二 (语)

It has been twelve years.

娄 奔 兵  要
rauz bedt bingl bail aul,
zau11 pɯt35 piŋ24 pai24 ʔau24
我们 派 兵 去 要

Why don’t we dispatch a group army to Emperor Wu?

 他 罵 邦 旧
nauz deel mal beangz gaus.
nau11 te24 ma24 pɯəŋ11 kau35
说 他 来 地方 自己

Perhaps,we can save him back,

飝龍 良 飝虎
Feiylungf riangz Feiyfuj,
fei33luŋ31 ziəŋ11 fei33fu42
飞龙 和 飞虎

The two generals Fei Long and Fei Hu,

双 卜 罵 領 兵
soongl bux mal lingz bingl,
soŋ24 pu31 ma24 liŋ11 piŋ24
两 个 来 领 兵

The two commanded soldiers,

隆 丁  邉界
rongz dinl bail bianyjaais,
zɔŋ11 tin24 pai24 piən33tɕa:i35
下 脚 去 边界

They marched to the boundary of the country,

引 萬二 卜兵
yinf faanhngih buxbingl.
jin31 fa:n33ŋi33 pu31piŋ24
引 万二 兵士

They guided more than two hundred thousand soldiers,

冲 老 哄 三音
xungs laaux hoongz saamlhingl,
ɕuŋ35 la:u31 xoŋ11 sa:m24xiŋ24
火炮 大 响 三声

The big drum was beat for three times,

隆 丁  某 歇
rongz dinl bail mbox iadt,
zɔŋ11 tin24 pai24 ʔbo31 ʔiət35
下 脚 去 不 歇息

They were marching on the road without stopping,

渡 過 渡 里林
doh gvas doh lixlinz,
to33 kwa35 to33 li31lin11
渡 过 渡 (状)

They passed one place and another,

城 過 城 里襰
xingz gvas xingz lixlanh,
ɕiŋ11 kwa35 ɕiŋ11 li31lan33
城 过 城 (状)

They passed one city and another,

景景 騰 西京
jeenhjeenh dangz xiyjiny,
tɕen33tɕen33 taŋ11 ɕi33tɕin33
渐渐 到 西京

The came close to Xijing,

罵 安 営 汝 堵
mal ngany yinf roh jos,
ma24 ŋan33 jin31 zo33 tɕo35
来 安 营 外面 朝门

They set up camp outside of the city wall,

麻 国 信 同 通
mal gueh sins tungf tungy.
ma24 kuə33 sin35 tuŋ33 tuŋ33
来 做 信 相 通

They sent a confidential letter to Yulian,

騰 鶏 呌 宜 冲
Dangz gais hanl nyiel xungs,
taŋ11 kai35 xan2424 ɕuŋ35
到 鸡 叫 听到 火炮

The sound of the drum was heard,

公主 睇 如法
gungyzuj dees roxfaz,
kuŋ33ʦu42 te35 zo31fa11
公主 看 清晰

The princess Sanhua saw what happened clearly,

娘 三花 如以
naangz saamlwal roxees,
na:ŋ11 sa:m24wa24 zo3lʔe35
小姐 三花 知道

She heard everything well,

如 他 到麻 更
rox deel daausmal genz,
zo31 te24 ta:u35ma24 kɯn11
知道 他 回来 上面

Then she understood that Yulian would go back to Dongjing,

 报 明 皇父
bail baaus minf weangzboh.
pai24 pa:u35 min31 wɯəŋ11po33
去 报 名 父皇

At that moment,she intended report the situation to her father,

玉連 算 主意
Yiqlianf suans jolis,
ji24liən31 suən35 tɕo24ʔi35
玉连 算 主意

Yullian was preparing his escaping plan secretly,

眉 许 娘 如以
miz haec naangz roxees,
mi11 xaɯ53 na:ŋ11 zo31ʔe35
不 给 小姐 知道

In order not let the princess know,

国囉 他  睡
guehlox deel bail ninz,
kuə33lo31 te24 pai24 nin11
撒谎 他 去 睡

He pretended to go into the room for sleep,

江 定夤 乃算
jaangl dinlhenz naaihsuans,
tɕa:ŋ24 tin24xɯn11 na:i33suən35
中间 半夜 再说

He did not start to execute his plan until midnight,

公主 麻 睡 烈
gungyzuj maz ninz ndagt,
kuŋ33ʦu42 ma11 nin11 ʔdak35
公主 那样 睡 沉

At that time,the princess Sanhua was in sound sleep,

浪 提  平 壊
lengc dez ndaangl banz qvaais,
lɯŋ5311 ʔda:ŋ24 pan11 ʔwa:i35
才 得到 身体 成 让开

Yulian moved his body and left the bed quietly,

要 法 劍 罵 手
aul fah jiams mal fengz,
ʔau24 fa33 tɕiəm35 ma24 fɯŋ11
拿 把 剑 来 手上

He held a sword in his hand,

 弄 沐  汝
dinl loongl mog bail roh,
tin24 loŋ24 mɔk33 pai24 zo33
脚 拉 被子 去 外面

And kicked off the quilt on her,

皮 眉 殺 們 儂
Bix miz gac mengz nuangx,
pi31 mi11 ka53 mɯŋ11 nuəŋ31
兄 不 杀 你 阿妹

To be or not to be?That is the question,

皮 眉 殺 們 娘
bix miz gac mengz naangz,
pi31 mi11 ka53 mɯŋ11 na:ŋ11
兄 不 杀 你 小姐

Who knows I am in such a dilemma!If I don’t kill you today,

况 平 卜 眉 孝
gvaangl banz bux miz yaaus,
kwa:ŋ24 pan11 pu31 mi11 ja:u35
公子 成 人 不 孝敬

I can’t go home and I will be condemned as “unfilial”,

某 來 到 罵 更
mbox ndaix daaus mal genz,
ʔbo31 ʔdai31 ta:u35 ma24 kɯn11
不 得 返 来 上面

I will be apart from my hometown and my kinsfolk forever,

了 首 伩 走 难
leeux xeeuh wenz byaaic naanh,
leu31 ɕeu31 wɯn11 pja:i53 na:n33
整 辈 人 走 艰难

I will always suffer a depressed and frustrated life,

你 會 殺 們 儂
Neex wois gac mengz nuangx,
ne31 woi35 ka53 mɯŋ11 nuəŋ31
现在 我 杀 你 阿妹

But,how could it be if I kill you today?

到 平 卜 眉 忠
daaul banz bux miz zungy,
ta:u24 pan11 pu31 mi11 ʦuŋ33
又 成 人 不 忠

I will be reproved as “disloyal” by the world,

  列 也 干
bail ronl laez yej gaanh,
pai24 zɔn24 laɯ11 je42 ka:n33
去 路 哪 也 不是

Neither of two diverged alternatives could be acceptable,

同 有 十二 歳
dungx qyus xibngih bil,
tuŋ31 ʔju35 ɕip33ŋi33 pi24
一起 在 十二 年

你我共度十二载 [16]
We have get along with each other for twelve years,

恩縁 利 儸 壊
anlnyianz ndil laez waaih.
ʔan24iənl1 ʔdi24 laɯ11 wa:i33
恩情 好 还是 坏

However,I have to make a tough choice between the affection to you and to my kinsfolk,

密 抬  喉在
mid daaiz xauc hozsail,
mit33 ta:i11 ɕau53 ho11sai24
刀子 升起 割 喉咙

Finally,Yulian with tears in his eyes had to kill Sanhua by cutting her throat,

太  隂 了 命
daail bail qyangl leeux mingh.
ta:i24 pai24 ʔjaŋ24 leu31 miŋ33
死 去 阴间 了 命

What a tragic end of the beautiful girl,

冲老 哄 三 音
Xungslaaux hoongz saaml hingl,
ɕuŋ35la:u31 xoŋ11 sa:m24 xiŋ24
火炮 响 三 声

The cannons were fired by three times,

兵 穿 毛 連 改
bingl xomc maauh lianf gaaic,
piŋ24 ɕɔm53 ma:u33 liən31 ka:i53
兵 戴 帽 和 铠甲

All the soldiers wore armor and helmet to get ready for the battle,

玉連 放 排手
Yiqlianf xuangs baizfengz,
ji24liən31 ɕuəŋ35 pai11fɯŋ11
玉连 放 武艺

Yulian was strong and powerful in martial arts,

焚 兵 太 眉 内
fanz bingl daail miz nois,
fan11 piŋ24 ta:i24 mi11 noi35
砍 兵 死 不 少

And he killed lots of enemies,

敗汝 兵 皇 堵
baaihroh bingl weangz doonc,
pa:i33zo33 piŋ24 wɯəŋ11 ton53
外面 兵 皇帝 阻挡

城外已有宋兵堵 [17]
The soldiers sent by Emperor Renzong were outside,

敗内 里 搃將
baaihndael lix jongsjiangq,
pa:i33ʔdaɯ24 li31 tɕɔŋ35tɕiəŋ24
里面 有 干将

Among them,there were some trusted subordinates,

四向 里 兵 堵
sisyiangs lix bingl doonc,
si35jiəŋ35 li31 piŋ24 ton53
四面 有 兵 阻挡

The city had been besieged by the soldiers of Emperor Renzong.

蠻  列 來 被
mbenx bail laez ndaix bis,
ʔbɯn31 pai24 laɯ11 ʔdai31 pi35
奔走 去 哪里 得到 逃走

So how could the soldiers of Wu Emperor escape?

丁 盖 衆 承相
Dins gaais jongs cenfxiangq,
tin35 ka:i35 tɕɔŋ35 tɕhɯn31ɕiəŋ24
选 个 众 丞相

Yulian as the general lead lots of soldiers forward.

同良 的  貫
dungxriangz degt bail goons,
tuŋ31ziəŋ11 tɯk35 pai24 kon35
一起 打 走 前

They rushed and dashed to kill the enemies.

的 内 城 汝 城
degt ndael xingz roh xingz,
tɯk35 ʔdaɯ24 ɕiŋ11 zo33 ɕiŋ11
打 里面 城墙 外面 城墙

In and out of the wall,

兵 馬 太 眉 内
bingl max daail miz nois,
piŋ24 ma31 ta:i24 mi11 noi33
兵 马 死 不 少

The number of the death was numerous.

殺 腾 仕 連 祖
Gac dangz sais lianf suc,
ka53 taŋ11 sai35 liən31 su53
杀 到 官 连同 主

All the government officials,

寸 盖 卜 當兵
sams gaais bux dangybiny,
sam35 ka:i35 pu31 ta:ŋ33pin33
些 个 人 当兵

And thousands of soldiers,

夤料 殺 太 了
henzndeeul gac daail leeux,
hɯn11ʔdeu24 ka53 ta:i24 leu31
一夜 杀 死 全

lost their lives and went to nether world in one night.

洫  鉠  被
liad dumh qyaangx dumh beah,
liət33 tum33 ʔja:ŋ31 tum33 pɯə33
血 淹没 大刀 淹没 衣服

The clothes and swords were soaked in blood.

手 拑 弓 平 楮
fengz gaml gongl banz xees,
fɯŋ11 kam24 kɔŋ24 pan11 ɕe35
手 拿 弓 成 堆

Lots of soldiers were dead gripping their sword in hands,

的 到 騰 時 啱 
Degt daaus dangz xez ngaaiz baileeu,
tɯk35 ta:u35 taŋ11 ɕɯ11 ŋa:i11 pai0leu0
打 又 到 时间 早饭 (语)

The battle lasted to the afternoon,

兵 太同 了闹
bingl daaildungz leeuxnaaus,
piŋ24 ta:i24tuŋ11 leu31na:u35
兵 死翘翘 全部

Finally,all the soldiers in Xijing were killed,

的 騰 满 時 寕
deg dangz mbaadt xez ringz,
tɯk33 taŋ11 ʔba:t35 ɕɯ11 ziŋ11
打 到 时刻 时间 晌午饭

At noon,the war ceased,

要 另 挺 对
aul nyeeznding dingz doih,
ʔau24e11ʔdiŋ24 tiŋ11 toi33
要 小孩 一起 结伴

城内小孩一对对 [18]
All the children were spared in the war,

出 斗 騰 江街
os dauc dangz jaanglgaail,
ʔo35 tau53 taŋ11 tɕa:ŋ24ka:i24
出 来 到 街上

They came to the streets.

 伩 太 平 洫
ranl wenz daail banz liad,
zan24 wɯn11 ta:i24 pan11 liət33
见 人 死 成 血

The people died with blood bleeding,

其 低 洫 平 哄
jiez dams liad banz hongz,
tɕiə11 tam35 liət33 pan11 xɔŋ11
地方 矮 血 成 潭

In lower places,there formed blood hollow,

其 喪 洫 平 定
jiez saangl liad banz dingh,
tɕiə11 sa:ŋ24 liət33 pan11 tiŋ33
地方 高 血 成 水塘

In the higher places,there formed blood pool,

來 印 皇 騰 手
ndaix yins weangz dangz fengz,
ʔdai31 jin35 wɯəŋ11 taŋ11 fɯŋ11
得 印章 皇帝 到 手

The imperial jade seal was finally captured,

邦 西京 落敗
beangl xiyjiny dogtbaaih,
pɯəŋ24 ɕi33tɕin33 tɔk35pa:i33
地方 西京 失败

Which implied the total failure of Xijing.

卜 大 可 太 里
Bux daail gobt daail lix,
pu31 ta:i24 kɔp35 ta:i24 li31
人 死 蛙 死 有

Numerous people were dead or wounded,

卜 里 到 罵 更
bux lix daaus mal genz,
pu31 li31 ta:u35 ma24 kɯn11
人 有 又 回 上面

The people alive turned up,

投 将兵 国 父
Touf jianglbingl gueh boh,
tou31 tɕiəŋ24piŋ24 kuə33 po33
投靠 将士 当 父

They yielded to General Yulian and showed their loyalty to him,

放 盖 卜 百姓 提 夫
xuangs gaais bux befxinq dez foh,
ɕuəŋ35 ka:i35 pu31 pe31ɕin2411 fo33
留下 个 人 百姓 承担 赋税

All the people were requested to pay tax,

放 提 粮 提 忍
xuangs dez liangz dez rumh,
ɕuəŋ3511 liəŋ1111 zum33
放 承相 粮食 承担 租金

They would pay tax and summit cereal,

寸 吞 州 吞 縣
sams ndanl zouy ndanl xianq,
sam35 ʔdan24 tsou33 ʔdan24 ɕiεn24
些 个 州 个 县

In all the states and counties of Wu country,

提 斗 你 同 訴
dez dauc neex dungx xos,
11 tau53 ne31 tuŋ31 ɕo35
带 来 这里 一起 放

All of them submitted their tax here,

斗 出 結 莱 字
dauc os jiez raaiz sel,
tau53 ʔo35 tɕiə11 za:i1124
来 出 地方 写 字

They recorded the details on a receipt,

提 到 你 皇 睇
dez dauc neex weangz dees,
11 tau53 ne31 wɯəŋ11 te35
带 来 这里 皇帝 看看

They submitted it to Emperor Renzong,

玉連 也 依 莱内
Yiqlianf yej ilnauz raaixno,
ji24liən31 je42 ʔi24nau11 za:i31no0
玉连 也 听话 实在

Yulian was very sincere and keeping a low profile,

志  眉 小 論
xel xaml miz seeuc lenh,
ɕɯ24 ɕam24 mi11 seu53 lɯn33
心 定 不 少 说

Needless to say,Yulian had strong determination to go back to homeland.

四 向 駡 团圆 
sis yiangs mal tuanfyuanf baileeu,
si35 jiəŋ35 ma24 thuan31 juan11 pai0leu0
四 面 来 团圆 (语)

All the people coming from all the directions gathered together.

邦 西京 安定
baangz xiyjiny nganydinq,
pa:ŋ11 ɕi33tɕin33 ŋan33tin24
地方 西京 安定

From then on,Xijing became peaceful.

 軍 馬 同偕
bans gunl max dungxxaiz,
pan35 kun24 ma31 tuŋ31ɕai11
调 军 马 一起

They called for soldiers and horses,

隆   邦 旧
rongz dinl bail beangz gaus,
zɔŋ11 tin24 pai24 pɯəŋ11 kau35
下 脚 去 地方 自己

Everyone went back to hometown,

卜卜 要 心 容
buxbux aul saml rungz,
pu31pu31 ʔau24 sam24 zuŋ11
人人 都 心 宽

Yulian was respected and supported as leader in the army,

人人 点 東西
wenwenz diamc dangzyiangh.
wɯn11wɯn11 tiəm53 taŋ11jiəŋ33
人人 点 东西

Everyone was preparing their package for returning,

冲老 哄 三 音
xungslaaux hoongz saaml hinl,
ɕuŋ35la:u31 xoŋ11 sa:m24 xin24
炮火 叫 三 音

火炮轰隆三声响 [19]
The gunfire had sounded three times,

旗令 流 旗嫩
jizndingl reeux jiznoonh,
tɕi11ʔdiŋ24 zeu31 tɕi11non33
红旗 混合 粉红旗

The colorful flags were flying violently with the marching of the troops,

府 里 府 他 
fuj ndix fuj deel bail,
fu42 ʔdi31 fu42 te24 pai24
府 又 府 他 走

They walked one mansion and another,

 界 眉 小 論
ronl jail miz seeuc lenh,
zɔn24 tɕai24 mi11 seu53 lɯn33
路 远 不 少 说

Needless to say that the journey was far,

逢 州 州官 除
Bungz zouy zouyguany xux,
puŋ11 tsou33 tsou33kuan33 ɕu31
遇到 州 州官 迎接

The were enthusiastically welcomed by the officials of the state when they arrived the state.

逢 县 县官 除
bungz xianq xianqguany xux,
puŋ11 ɕiεn24 ɕiεn24kuan33 ɕu31
遇到 县 县官 迎接

The were enthusiastically welcomed by the officials of the country when they arrived the county.

卜卜 送  粮
buxbux songs hauxliangz,
pu31pu31 sɔŋ35 hau31liəŋ11
人人 送 粮食

Every one presented their food,

邦邦 办 夫 馬
beangzbeangz baans foh max.
pɯəŋ11pɯəŋ11 pa:n35 fo33 ma31
各地 办 劳力 马匹

The people gave their strong horses to them as gifts,

渡 過 渡 離林
doh gvas doh lixlinz,
to33 kwa35 to33 li31lin11
渡 过 渡 (状)

They passed one pass and another,

城 過 城 里冷
xingz gvas xingz lixlanh,
ɕiŋ11 kwa35 ɕiŋ11 li31lan33
城 过 城 (状)

They passed one city and another.

景景 騰 江 京
jeenhjeenh dangz jaangl jingl,
tɕen33tɕen33 taŋ11 tɕa:ŋ24 tɕiŋ24
渐渐 到 中间 京城

They approached the capital city gradually,

班 卜兵 出 汝
baanl buxbingl os roh.
pa:n24 pu31piŋ24 ʔo35 zo33
分开 士兵 出 外面

The general and the soldiers were living apart,

睅 浪 龍 查界
Hadt langl roongh xazjaail,
xat35 laŋ24 zoŋ33 ɕa11tɕa:i24
早上 后面 亮 (状)

At the dawn of the next day,

  奈 皇帝
runs bail naail weangzdais:
zun35 pai24 na:i24 wɯəŋ11tai35
起来 去 问安 皇帝

They paid a formal visit to the Emperor in the morning,

會  的 太平 
Wois bail degt taiqpinf beileeu,
woi35 pai24 tɯk35 thai24phin31 pei0leu31
在下 去 打 太平 (语)

Nowadays,the world has been pacified,

邦 西京 安定
beangz xiyjingy nganydinq,
pɯəŋ11 ɕi33tɕin33 ŋan33tin24
地方 西京 安定

Xijing is also peaceful,

提 印皇 麻 告
dez yinsweangz mal gaaus,
11 ʔin35wɯəŋ11 ma24 ka:u35
带 皇印 来 报告

献上皇印把话言 [20]
Yulian submitted the Imperial Jade Seal of Wu Emperor to Emperor Renzong,

造册 駡 皇 睇
caoqcef mal weangz dees.
tshau24tshe11 ma24 wɯəŋ11 te35
造册 来 皇帝 看

He also submitted the brochure of land and field to the Emperor,

皇帝 麻 欢心
Weangzdais maz aangsyaangh,
wɯəŋ11tai35 ma11 ʔa:ŋ35ja:ŋ33
皇帝 非常 开心

The Emperor was very pleasant,

分 邦 許 仕幕
banl beangz haec saismos,
pan24 pɯəŋ11 haɯ53 sai35mo35
分 地方 给 新官

The Emperor conferred lots of land and field to Yulian as reward and gift,

封 們 国 皇儂 當 邦
Fungy mengz gueh weangznuangx daangl beangz,
fuŋ33 mɯŋ11 kuə33 wɯəŋ11nuəŋ31 ta:ŋ24 pɯəŋ11
封 你 当 王爷 治理 地方

And also Yulian was conferred as Emperor’s kinsfolk to take charge of one place,

傳名  萬召
cuanfminf bail faanhxeeuh,
tshuan31min31 pai24 fa:n33ɕeu33
传名 去 万代

Therefore,Yulian’s name would be remembered and he would enjoy reputation forever,

 西京 国 皇
bail xiyjingy gueh weangz,
pai24 ɕi33tɕin33 kuə33 wɯəŋ11
去 西京 当 王

He would be appointed as the duke of Xijing,

入 秀 闷 天下
Ruz xeeus mbenl dianhyas.
zu11 ɕeu35 ʔbɯn24 tiən33ja35
扶持 照亮 天 天下

To assist Emperor Renzong to govern the country,

邦 容 了 
Beangz rungz leeux runsdinl,
pɯəŋ11 zuŋ11 leu31 zun35tin24
地方 安顿 结束 启程

Very soon,he set out his journey,

駡 邦 更 攞 乜
mal beangz genz ral meeh,
ma24 pɯəŋ11 kɯn11 za24 me33
来 地方 上面 寻找 母亲

He went to find his mother,

奔 兵馬 同良
bedt binglmax dungxriangz,
pɯt35 piŋ24ma31 tuŋ31ziəŋ11
带 兵马 同行

Followed by a group of soldiers and horses,

 華陽 国 仕
bail huafyangf gueh sais,
pai24 xua31jaŋ31 kuə33 sai35
到 华阳 当 官

To go to his position to be an official in Huayang,

立  也 某 宿
labt hamh yej mbox songz,
lap35 xam33je42 ʔbo31 sɔŋ11
黑 晚上 都 不 宿

The contiuined day and night,

夤 連 日  路
henz lianz ngonz byaaic loh.
xɯn11 liən11 ŋɔn11 pja:i53 lo33
夜 和 日 走 路

Even in deep night,they still were in march,

渡 過 渡 離林
Doh gvas doh lixlinz,
to33 kwa35 to33 li31lin11
渡 过 渡 (状)

They passed one pass and another,

城 過 城 里冷
xingz gvas xingz lixlanh,
ɕiŋ11 kwa35 ɕiŋ11 li31lan33
城 过 城 (状)

They passed one city and another,

景景 騰 華陽
jeenhjeenh dangz huafyangf,
tɕen33tɕen33 taŋ11 xua31jaŋ31
渐渐 到 华阳

They approached Huayang city gradually,

兵馬 良 同对
binglmax riangz dungxdoih,
piŋ24ma31 ziəŋ11 tuŋ31toi33
兵马 一起 作伴

The soldiers and horses were walking together,

国 告示 救 邦
gueh gaoqsiq jaus beangz,
kuə33 kau2424 tɕau35 pɯəŋ11
做 告示 救 地方

They bulletined that they can help all the people in need,

傳名 了 天下
cuanfminf leeux dianhyas,
tshuan31min31 leu31 tiən33ja35
传名 全 天下

They told that to the whole world,

寸 盖 卜 某 関
Sams gaais bux mbox gvaanl,
sam35 ka:i35 pu31 ʔbo31 kwa:n24
些 个 人 没有 丈夫

All the widows,widowers and other alone ones,

忙 馬 你 报 主
miangz mal neex baaus xoh,
miəŋ11 ma24 ne31 pa:u35 ɕo33
快 来 这里 报 名

Please come here quickly and take relief fund,

盖 卜  哽
gaais bux xaamlhaux genl,
ka:i35 pu31 ɕa:m24hau31 kɯn24
些 人 讨饭 吃

Those who live depending on begging,

伩 千苦 万难
wenz xianlhoc faanhnaanh,
wɯn11 ɕiən24xo53 fa:n33na:n33
人 千苦 万难

And all the people in misery,

麻 其你 故 分
mal jiezneex gul banl,
ma24 tɕiə11ne31 ku24 pan24
来 这里 我 分

You can come here to get food,

駡 江 仕 賞
mal jaanglronl sais siangc,
ma24 tɕaŋ24zɔn24 sai35 siəŋ53
来 路上 官 赠送

You just wait for the officials on the road,

寸盖 卜 太本 太防
samsgaais bux dalbumh dalwaangz,
sam35ka:i35 pu31 ta24pum33 ta24wa:ŋ11
那些 人 眼花 眼瞎

All the blind people,

蘭 無 哽 無 算
raanz hoc genl hoc suans,
za:n11 xo53 kɯn24 xo53 suən35
家 穷 吃 穷 算

And all the people who are not good at earning money,

麻 其你 故 分
mal jiezneex gul banl,
ma24 tɕiə11ne31 ku24 pan24
来 这里 我 分

You can come here for help and supply,

駡 江 仕 賞
mal jaanglronl sais siangc.
ma24 tɕa:ŋ24zɔn24 sai35 siəŋ53
来 路上 官 赠送

You just wait for the official on the road.

双 婄 
Soongl yahbaex nyielnauz,
soŋ24 ja33paɯ3124nau11
两 婆媳 听说

The mother and the sister-in-law heard about the news.

亨  求 仕幕
henc bail jauz saismos,
xɯn53 pai24 tɕau11 sai35mo35
上 去 求 新官

They intended to resort to the new officer,

睇 仕幕 国 恩
dees saismos gueh anl,
te35 sai35mo35 kuə33 ʔan24
看 新官 做 恩

They hoped that the new official can show much more concern to them,

分 許 儸 救难
Banl haec rauz jausnaanh.
pan24 haɯ53 zau11 tɕau35na:n33
分 给 我们 度难

And they could get some money or food to get through the tough time,

 跪 敗寡
Maixmbegt gvih baaihgvaz,
mai31ʔbɯk35 kwi33 pa:i33wa11
妇女 跪 右面

The women kneeled down on the right side of the road.

卜在 跪 敗左
buxsaail gvih baaihsoix,
pu31sa:i24 kwi33 pa:i33soi31
男子 跪 左边

The men kneeled down on the left side of the road,

賞 无数 钱银
siangc jiclaail xeenznganz,
siəŋ53 tɕi53la:i24 ɕe11ŋan11
赠送 许多 银两

The official group had shared out lots of money,

 眉 睍 乜往
gauc miz ranl meehngvaangh.
kau53 mi11 zan24 me33ŋwa:ŋ33
望 不 见 母亲

But they did not see his mother,

伕 扳 迯  了
Feax baanh deeuz bail leeux,
fɯə31 pa:n33 teu11 pai24 leu31
别人 移动 走 走 完

All the people went away,

伕 扳 迯  仁
feax baanh deeuz bail runh,
fɯə31 pa:n33 teu11 pai24 zun33
别人 移动 走 走 尽

All the people began to turn back home,

睍 双 伩 里 跪
ranl soongl wenz lix gvih,
zan24 soŋ24 wɯn11 li31 kwi33
见 两 人 还 跪

Except two ladies there kneeling down,

 駡 你 會 嘇
runs mal neex wois xaanz,
zun35 ma24 ne31 woi35 ɕwa:n11
起身 来 这里 我 问

Please stop kneeling and stand up to answer me,

蘭 里 関 如 某
raanz lix gvaanl rox mbauh?
za:n11 li31 kwa:n24 zo31 ʔbau33
家 有 丈夫 或 没有

Is your husband at home?

婄 大 隆
yahbaex ramxdal rongz,
ja33pɯə31 zam31ta24 zɔŋ11
婆媳 眼泪 下

The two ladies burst into tears,

日你 睍 闷 轉
ngonzneex ranl mbenl xians,
ŋɔn11ne31 zan24 ʔbɯn24 ɕiən35
今日 见 天 转

It seemed that a miracle happened,

浪駡 論 萬件 辛苦 内
lengcmal lenh faanhdeeus xinhhoc ndaelndaangl,
lɯŋ53ma24 lɯn33 fa:n33teu35 ɕin33xo53 ʔdaɯ24ʔda:ŋ24
才来 叙说 万条 辛苦 身上

They started to tell their miserable life,

 腾 娘 素梅 走难
nauz dangz naangz Suqmeif byaaicnaanh,
nau11 taŋ11 na:ŋ11 su24mei31 pja:i53na:n33
说 到 小姐 素梅 落难

She said that Sumei suffered from misery and difficulty.

論腾 仕 知府 財官
lenhdangz sais ziyfuj caifguany,
lɯn33taŋ11 sai35 tzו33fu42 tshai31kuan33
说到 官 知府 掌银官

She also talked about the corruptions of the greedy officials.

 腾 仙 更闷 斗 救
nauz dangz sianl genzmbenl dauc jaus,
nau11 taŋ11 siən24 kɯn11ʔbɯn24 tau53 tɕau35
说 到 神仙 天上 来 救

The immortals came dome from the heaven to save them,

受 千苦 万难
dez xianlhoc faanhnaanh,
11 ɕiən24xo53 fa:n33na:n33
受到 千苦 万难

They suffered a lot in their life,

平 伩 太 到 里
banz wenz daail daaus lix,
pan11 wɯn11 ta:i24 ta:u35 li31
成 人 死 又 生

It seemed that they had died for several times,

婄 斗 救 瓶
yahbaex dauc jaus beengz,
ja33paɯ31 tau53 tau35 peŋ11
婆媳 来 救 宝贝

The mother and the daughter-in-law were saved,

乞 恩 皇 乙奉 内了
jol anl weangz idtfungh ndeileeu.
tɕo24 ʔan24 wɯəŋ11 ʔit35fuŋ33 ʔdei0leu0
幸亏 恩情 皇帝 照顾 (语气)

Thanks to the blessing from the Emperor,

玉連 如宜 吨
Yiqlianf roxnyiel dangz,
ji24liən31 zo3124 taŋ11
玉连 听见 到

When Yulian heard about this,

大 隆 慈 咘
ramxdal rongz sez mbos,
zam31ta24 zɔŋ1111 ʔbo35
眼泪 下 如 泉

He burst into tears just like spring,

願  麻 拑 挸
yians runs mal gaml jeenl,
jiən35 zun35 ma24 kam24 tɕen24
于是 其身 来 牵 手臂

He went to hold the hands of them,

壮力 啼 同主
xuangsreengz daic dungxxoh,
ɕuəŋ35zeŋ11 tai53 tuŋ31ɕo33
使劲 哭 面对面

Crying loudly and sadly to the the two ladies,

婄  太存
yahbaex nyiel daailsanz,
ja11pɯə3124 ta:i24san11
婆媳 听 突然

The two ladies did not understand what happened,

 提  焚
laaisnauz dez bail fanz,
la:i35nau1111 pai24 fan11
以为 拿 去 砍

They misunderstood that they would be killed,

眉如 平 仂 旧
mizrox banz leg gaus.
mi11zo31 pan11 lɯk33 kau35
不知 是 孩子 自己

The mother did not know that the one in front of them is her son,

玉連 到駡 嘆
Yiqlianf daausmal haanl,
ji24liən31 ta:u35ma24 ha:n24
玉连 又来 说

Yulain started to say:

 乜 况 如以
nauz meeh gvaangl roxees:
nau11 me33 kwa:ŋ24 zo31ʔe35
说 母亲 公子 知道

I will tell you—my mother!

嗳 乜 呵
Ai meeh hee!
ʔai0 me33 xe0
唉 母 (语)

My dear mother,

乜仂 的 伕 害
meehleg deg feax haais,
me33lɯk33 tɯk33 fɯə31 ha:i35
母子 被 人 害

We had been trapped by other evil people,

許 會  當兵
haec wois bail dangybiny,
haɯ53 woi35 pai35 ta:ŋ33pin24
叫 我 去 当兵

I was forced to join the army,

乜 有 浪 走难
meeh qyus langl byaaicnaanh,
me33 ʔju35 laŋ24 pja:i53na:n33
母亲 在 后面 落难

And my mother lived a terrible life at home,

辛苦 駡 同 
xinhhoc mal dungx nauz,
ɕin33xo53 ma24 tuŋ31 nau11
辛苦 来 一起 叙说

Today,let’s pour out all the miseries and adversities together,

缘由 駡 同 論
yuanfyouf mal dungx lenh.
juən31jou31 ma24 tuŋ31 lɯn33
原因 来 一起 叙述

And also,let’s talk about all the life we spent these years,

拜 四向 闷吞
Bais sisyiangs mbenlndanl,
pa:i35 si35jiəŋ35 ʔbɯn24ʔdan24
叩拜 四面 天地

He kneeled down for the Heaven and the Earth,

日你 睍 乜往
ngonzneex ranl meehngvaangh,
ŋɔn11ne31 zan24 me33ŋwa:ŋ33
今天 见 阿母

Today I meet my mother,

乜仂 及 関妑
meehleg gabt gvaanlbaz,
me33luk33 kap35 kwa:n24pa11
母子 和 夫妻

Mother and son,husband and wife,

麻 同 睍 相會
mal dungx ranl sianghweih,
ma24 tuŋ31 zan24 siəŋ33wɯi33
来 相 见 相会

We can see each other,

會 要 林 热 大
wois aul linx riez dal,
woi35 ʔau24 lin31 ziə11 ta24
我 要 舌头 舔 眼睛

The son licked his mother’s eyes,

乜 如法 四向
meeh roxfaz sisyiangs.
me33 zo31fa11 si35jiəŋ35
母 看清 四面

The mother can see the world again,

 仂 平 将军
dees leg banz jianghjunh,
te35 lɯk33 pan11 tɕiəŋ33tɕun33
见 儿 成 将军

She saw that her son has been an imposing general,

伩 立 伩 平 仕
wenz lab wenz banz sais,
wɯn11 lap33 wɯn11 pan11 sai35
人 又 人 成 官

And her son was being attended by soldiers and officers,

定 還冤 故 来
dingh waanzqyeenl gul ndaix.
tiŋ33 wa:n11ʔjen24 ku24 ʔdai31
肯定 报仇 我 得

今日定可还冤仇 [21]
She believed that he must be able to take revenge for her,

乜仂 啼 到 項
Meehleg dais daaus aangs,
me33lɯk33 tai35 ta:u35 ʔa:ŋ35
母子 哭 又 高兴

The mother and son were in a mixture of happiness and sadness,

脱 衣 雷 内 
doodt beah roix ndael ndaangl,
tot35 pɯə33 zoi31 ʔdaɯ24 ʔda:ŋ24
脱 衣 烂 里面 身上

The rags were taken off,

要 衣利 駡 胆
aul beahndil mal danc,
ʔau24 pɯə33ʔdi24 ma24 tan53
拿 好衣 来 穿

The the new ones were put on.

翕 子 胆 几 个
sil xic danc jic gal,
si24 ɕi53 tan53 tɕi53 ka24
丝绸 紫色 穿 几 单衣

They gave her purple silk caot,

翕 羅 胆 几 对
sil log danc jic dois,
si24 lɔk33 tan53 tɕi53 toi35
丝绸 绿 穿 几 套

They gave her some purple silk coats,

項 慈 鳳 江城
aangh sez fungh jaanglxingz,
ʔa:ŋ3511 fuŋ33 tɕa:ŋ24ɕiŋ11
高兴 胜过 凤凰 城中

She was happier than becoming a phoenix,

伩 睍 平 妑 仕
wenz ranl banz baz sais,
wɯn11 zan24 pan11 pa11 sai35
人 见 成 妻子 官

Then she became the noble lady of officer,

寸 知府 江城
Sams ziyfuj jaanglxingz,
sam35 tzו33fu42 tɕa:ŋ24ɕiŋ11
那些 知府 城中

All the officers in the city,

伩 列 睍 也 叫
wenz laez ranl yej yeeuh,
wɯn11 laɯ11 zan24 je42 jeu33
人 哪个 见 都 招呼

They greeted her when meeting,

德 酒 注 同 哽
dagt lauc xos dungx genl,
tak35 lau53 ɕo35 tuŋ31 kɯn24
舀 酒 放 一起 吃

Yulian and his wife enjoyed the wine,

伩 赖 隆 斗 敬
wenz laail rongz dauc jings,
wen11 la:i24 zɔŋ11 tau53 tɕiŋ35
人 多 下 来 敬

The other people came and toasted to them,

敬 乜 慈 陀仙
jings meeh sez duezsianl,
tɕiŋ35 me3311 tuə11siən24
敬 母亲 胜过 神仙

They showed great respect to the mother just as to immortal.

昋 日 如 造 幕
ndianlngonz rox xaaux mos,
ʔdiən24ŋɔn11 zo31 ɕa:u31 mo35
日子 会 创造 新

What a great change taken place compared with the previous conditions,

玉連 到 駡 
Yiqlianf daaus mal xaaml,
ji24liən31 ta:u35 ma24 ɕa:m24
玉连 又 来 请求

Yulian had a request,

 許 囊 素梅
nauz haec naangz Suqmeif:
nau11 xaɯ53 na:ŋ11 su24mei31
说 給 小姐 素梅

He said to Sumei with deep affection,

皮  羅 當兵
Bix bail lac dangybiny,
pi31 pai24 la53 taŋ33pin33
哥 去 下面 当兵

Since I left you and joined the army to be a solider,

儂 有 浪 托难
nuangx qyus langl dogtnaanh,
nuəŋ31 ʔju35 laŋ24 tɔk35na:n33
妹 在 后面 落难

You,my wife,suffered from lots of dificulties and adversities.

晚  吨 两 吨
hamh nauz xonz soongl xonz,
ham33 nau11 ɕɔn11 soŋ24 ɕɔn11
晚上 说 句 两 句

The second aunt cooked up rumours by gossiping to defame you.

日 的常 的法
ngonz degxangz degfaad,
ŋɔn11 tɯk33ɕaŋ11 tɯk33fa:t33
整天 受歧视 挨打

You were bullied and hurt by others,

乜 平 病 割 个
meeh banz bingh gveec gal,
me33 pan11 piŋ33 kwe53 ka24
母 成 病 割 腿

You cut your leg and fed the meat to my mother when she was ill,

交化  乜往
jaaulwal xiangx meehngvaangh,
tɕa:u24wa24 ɕiəŋ31 me33ŋwa:ŋ33
叫花 养 母亲

And you found meal for my mother by begging,

国 平 早你 恩
gueh banz saauhneex anl,
kuə33 pan11 sa:u33ne31 ʔan24
做 成 这么 恩情

How deep and heavy the affection was!

 許 故 拜
ndunlsongz haec gul baais,
ʔdun24sɔŋ11 haɯ53 ku24 pa:i35
站立 让 我 叩拜

Please receive my bow with respect and worship,

拜 儂 還 恩缘
baais nuangx waanz anlnyianz.
pa:i35 nuəŋ31 wa:n11 ʔan24iən11
跪拜 妹 还 恩情

To return my affection and sentiment to you,

娘 素梅 駡 嘆
Naangz Suqmeif mal haanl,
na:ŋ11 su24mei31 ma24 xa:n24
小姐 素梅 来 答

Sumei answered,

 許 况 如以
nauz haec gvaangl roxees:
nau11 haɯ53 kwa:ŋ24 zo31ʔe35
说 给 公子 知道

My dear,please listen to me,

吹 样 仂  會你
Xuis yiangh leg maixmbegt woisneex,
ɕui35 jiəŋ33 lɯk33 mai31ʔbɯk35 woi35ne31
古来 样子 孩子 女儿 如我

I am just a common woman as others in acient times,

慈 盖  江 槽
sez gaais ramx jaangl xaauz,
11 ka:i35 zam31 tɕa:ŋ24 ɕa:u11
如 个 水 中间 槽

Just as natural flowing water in the flume,

几 到 全 几 到 赖
jic daaus xiamh jic daaus lail [22]
tɕi53 ta:u35 ɕiəm33 tɕi53 ta:u35 lai24
几 次 消 几 次 流

The water was flowing now and then,

物 卜在 物 金
hos buxsaail hos jiml,
xo35 pu31sa:i24 xo35 tɕim24
膝盖 男子 膝盖 金贵

Nothing is more important and precious than male’s dignity,

眉 許  更 
miz haec ingl genz naamh,
mi11 haɯ53 ʔiŋ24 kɯn11 na:m33
不 要 依靠 上面 土

So do not kneel down easily,

眉 乱 拜 
miz luanq baais maixmbegt,
mi11 luan24 pa:i35 mai31ʔbɯk35
不 随便 跪拜 女子

Especially do not kneel down to females,

眉 服心 娄 拜
miz fugsaml rauz baais.
mi11 fuk33sam24 zau11 pa:i35
不 服气 我 跪拜

How dare I accept your kneeling down?

卜卜 度 托志
Buxbux doc dogtxel,
pu31pu31 to53 tɔk35ɕɯ24
人人 各 伤心

All the people present were deeply moved,

 大 赖 眉 断
ramxdal lail miz doons,
zam31ta24 lai24 mi11 ton35
泪水 流 不 断

The tears was flowing on their faces,

拜 了 四 向 闷
baais leeux sis yiangs mbenl,
pa:i35 leu31 si35 jiəŋ35 ʔbɯn25
拜 了 四 面 天

Yulian worshiped the Earth and the Heaven by bowing,

日你 睍 妑 乜
ngonzneex ranl baz meeh.
ŋɔn11ne31 zan24 pa11 me33
今日 见 母 妻

In order to show gratitude to the God for the reunion with my mother and wife,

照 面 列  
xeeus mianh laez runs dinl,
ɕeu35 miən33 laɯ11 zun35 tin24
照 面 之后 起 脚

He decided to set out his journey for revenge,

 還冤 二娘
bail waanzqyeenl erqniangf,
pai24 wa:n11ʔjen2424niaŋ31
去 报仇 二娘

Then he went to take revenge on his second aunt,

玉連 許  
Yiqlianf haec jiamc ndaangl,
ji24liən31 xaɯ53 t tɕiəm53 ʔda:ŋ24
玉连 让 收拾 身体

Yulian put on madeup,

变  国 仂乃
bians ndaangl gueh legniangh,
piən35 ʔda:ŋ24 kuə33 lɯk33niəŋ33
变 身 做 小混混

He became a local ruffian,

許 伩 睍 眉 如
haec wenz ranl miz rox,
xaɯ53 wɯn11 zan24 mi11 zo31
让 人 见 不 知道

The others can not recognize him,

注  腾 蘭 旧
xos bail dangz raanz gaus,
ɕo35 pai24 taŋ11 za:n11 kau35
径直 去 到 家 自己

He went to the old house directly,

放 巧 国 哑法
xuangs jauc gueh qyasfaz,
ɕuəŋ35 tɕau53 kuə33 ʔja35fa11
放 头 做 难看

His hair was messy and fluffy,

奔大 犯 面岜
benldal faamh nacbyas,
pɯn24ta24 fa:m33 na53pja35
眼睫毛 盖过 额头

And his eye-brow crimped to the forehead,

 許 娘乜二
nauz haec naangzmeehngih,
nau11 haɯ53 na:ŋ11me33ŋi33
说 给 二娘

He told his second aunt clearly

駡 攞 乜 及 妑 
mal ral meeh gabt baz beileeu.
ma24 za24 me33 kap35 pa11 pei0leu31
来 找 母亲 和 妻子 (语)

That I come back for the purpose of finding my mother and wife,

二娘 轉 駡 嘆
Erqniangf xians mal haanl:
24niaŋ31 ɕiən35 ma24 ha:n24
二娘 转 来 答

His second aunt answered,

乜 們 过  汝
Meeh mengz gvas bail roh,
me33 mɯŋ11 kwa35 pai24 zo33
母亲 你 过 去 外面

Who knows your mother?Maybe,she is loitering hither and thither.

有 蘭 眉  
qyus raanz miz gaml dinl,
ʔju35 za:n11 mi11 kam24 tin24
在 家 不 拿 脚

She was never willing to stay at home,

夤 連 日  乖
henz lianz ngonz bail gvaih.
kɯn11 liən11 ŋɔn11 pai24 kwai33
晚上 和 白天 去 逛

She was just bumming around and loafing everyday.

開 咟 未 流 吨
haail bas fih leeux ndanl,
ha:i24 pa35 fi33 leu31 ʔdan24
开 口 未 完 句

Shortly after her words,

兵軍 隆 駡 拑 [23]
binglgunl rongz mal gab,
piŋ24kun24 zɔŋ11 ma24 kap33
士兵 下来 来 抓

The soliders went to grab and catch her,

 拴 注 其料
xah xug xos jiezndeeul,
ɕa33 ɕuk33 ɕo35 tɕiə11ʔdeu24
绳子 捆 在 一处

She was then tied and bound totally,

笑 眉 斗 良 命
reeul miz dauc riangz mingh.
zeu24 mi11 tau53 ziəŋ11 miŋ33
笑 不 出 带 命

The evil woman said nothing but just with a bitter and hostile smile.

提 二娘 駡 汝
dez erqniangf mal roh,
1124niaŋ31 ma24 zo33
带 二娘 来 外面

The second aunt was carried away

要 駡 汝  街 [24]
aul mal roh xianh gaail,
ʔau24 ma24 zo33 ɕiən33 ka:i24
要 来 外面 游 街

And exposed into the public,

国 除 攏 鸭鹅
gueh xiez longx bidtgais,
kuə33 ɕiə11 loŋ31 pit35kai35
做 牛 拉 鸭鹅

How ridiculous it is!She was pulled just as the duck was pulled by cattle,

四 卜 轎 過 街
sis bux jeeuh gvas gaail,
si35 pu31 tɕeu33 kwa35 ka:i24
四 人 撑 过 街

四抬大轿街头过 [25]
Yulian was in a grand palanquin carried by four persons. How glorious and honorable it is,

許 伩赖 駡 冷
haec wenzlaail mal leenh,
haɯ53 wɯn11la:i24 ma24 len33
让 别人 来 看

Seeing the women’s painful scene,all the people around cursed her malicious behaviors,

密 抬  喉在
mid daaiz xauc hozsail,
mit33 ta:i11 ɕau53 ho11sai24
刀子 升起 割 喉咙

She was killed by cutting off the throat,

太  隂 腾 难
daail bail qyangl dangz naanh.
ta:i24 pai24 ʔjaŋ24 taŋ11 na:n33
死 去 阴间 到 苦难

Then she went to the other world where she deserved to go.

提 王漢 駡 騰
Dez wangfhanq mal dangz,
11 waŋ31han24 ma24 taŋ11
拿 王汉 来 到

After that,they captured Wang Han,

玉連 隆 駡 
Yiqlianf rongz mal haaus,
ji24liən31 zɔŋ11 ma24 ha:u35
玉连 下 来 说

Yulian started to say,

號 国 伩 大  [26]
aaul gueh wenz dal baamz,
ʔa:u24 kuə33 wɯn11 ta24 pa:m11
叔叔 做 人 眼睛 粗心

You,my uncle!You are even blind and muddled,

眉如 那 如 浪
mizrox nac rox langl,
mi11zo31 na53 zo31 laŋ24
不知 前面 还是 后面

You did not have any concern for your brother and any care to me,

恩情 丢 注 父
anlnyianz xeel xos boh,
ʔan24iənl1 ɕe24 ɕo35 po33
情义 丢 给 父

You did not live up to my father’s kindness,

爲 們 依 样  卜哑
weiq mengz il yiangh haaus buxqyas,
wɯi24 mɯŋ11 ʔi24 jiəŋ33 ha:u35 pu31ʔja35
因为 你 相信 样子 话 坏人

For you just stupidly believe the evil woman’s evil words,

打 們 三千 板
haaix mengz saamlxianl baanc,
xa:i31 mɯŋ11 sa:m24ɕiən24 pa:n53
打 你 三千 板

今日打你三千板 [27]
You will be hit for thirty times by plank,

割 迎九 内 个
gveec nyinzjeeuc ndael gal,
kwe53in11tɕen5 ʔdaɯ24 ka24
割 脚筋 里面 腿

Your tendon will be cut off,

許 交化 养 命
haec jaaulwal xiangx mingh.
xaɯ53 tɕa:u24wa24 ɕiəŋ31 miŋ33
让 叫花 养 命

And you will live the rest of your life with disability,

金連 及 银連
Jinylianf gabt Yinflianf,
tɕin33liən31 kap35 jin31liən31
金连 和 银连

Jinlian and Yinlian,

儂 眉如 敢麻
nuangx mizrox gamcmaz,
nuəŋ31 mi1lzo31 kam53ma11
弟弟 不知道 什么

They were innocent and loyal so they were free from the guilt,

司 皇 哽 兮 也
saec weangz genl xih ies.
saɯ53 wɯəŋ11 kɯn24 ɕi33 ʔiə35
伺候 皇帝 吃 就 算

So they were appointed to serve Yulian,

称 来 八百 银
xangh ndaix beedtbas nganz,
ɕaŋ33 ʔdai31 pet35pa35 ŋan11
称 得 八百 银子

He brought eight liang silver,

駡 還 恩 仕付
mal waanz anl saisfuh,
ma24 wa:n11 ʔan24 sai35fu35
来 还 恩情 师父

To express his thanks to the teacher,

谢 先生 駡 嘆
Xieq xianyseny mal haanl:
ɕie24 ɕiən33sɯn33 ma24 ha:n24
谢 先生 来 答

The teacher said,

註 银 們 来 雍
Jol nganz mengz ndaix yungh,
tɕo24 ŋan11 mɯŋ11 ʔdai31 juŋ33
承蒙 银子 你 来 用

Thanks for your money,

四季 們 国 皇
sisjih mengz gueh weangz [28]
35tɕi33 mɯŋ1 kuə33 wɯəŋ11
四季 你 当 王

Now you has been the duke of this land,

邦 太平 安楽 
beangz taiqpinf aanslah beileeu.
pɯəŋ11 thai24pin31 ʔa:n35la33 pei0le0
地方 太平 安乐 (语)

The world will definitely be peaceful.

[1] 天天呆在家里,就如死人一般,不被世人知晓。

[2] 二娘打算卖素梅,一可以赶出家门,二可以赚钱。

[3] 素梅心想:丈夫生死不明就改嫁,传出去,只会让人笑话她无教养。

[4] 即玉连无论如何也不可能当上官。

[5] 二娘知道丈夫王汉对自己的话深信不疑,又跟他唠叨,陷害大娘。

[6] 一个先走,只会给对方留下忧伤。

[7] jaysoj及下句中的maldauh,都是占卜用语,命犯这些,会给亲人带来不祥。

[8] 婆媳受冤屈,上天有眼,才有天红半边的现象。

[9] 婆媳那种状态真让人无法想象他们还会复活。

[10] 素梅祈求上天保佑,即使割身上的肉也不要让她疼痛。

[11] 有感于素梅小姐的举动,神仙暗地保佑她,即使割身上的肉,也不让她疼痛。

[12] 此节系素梅自我安慰,虽然她没有把握自己这样做是否能挽救婆婆的生命,但是她还是在心底里自言自语。

[13] 实际上,这里不是“乌鸦”,为押韵而将该词代指“燕子”。

[14] baais和下句的gauz jauc:是尊重对方,这两句用在信的开头,相当于“抬头”。

[15] xuis:即“jongsweis”,“我们”之意。

[16] 恩爱十二年,你对我的好,我是很清楚的。

[17] 外面有仁宗皇帝派来的兵马,里面又有玉连的心腹干将。

[18] 战争中一般不杀小孩,战斗结束,将士们牵着孩子们走上大街,以示亲民。

[19] 从本句到书末,根据第二份抄本进行补充。

[20] 玉连将在西京缴来的印玺呈给仁宗皇帝。

[21] 玉连之母心想:这下可以报仇了。

[22] xiamh,lail:消,流,比喻人生不稳定。

[23] 原稿缺整句,译者加。

[24] 原稿缺整句,译者加。

[25] 玉连坐在四人抬的轿子里。

[26] 原稿缺整句,译者加。

[27] 三千:夸张说法。

[28] weangz:本意是皇帝、国王。实际是王爷,管理一方。
