
第二関 麒麟关
所属图书:《王玉连:布依文、汉文、英文》 出版日期:2015-12-01文章字数:字

第二関 麒麟关


玉連 馬 安営
Yiqlianf mal nganyyinf,
ji24liən31 ma24 ŋan33jin31
玉连 来 安営

Yulian established a camp,

差 许 軍  破
caiy haec gunl bail beas,
tshai33 xaɯ53 kun24 pai24 pɯə35
派 给 军 去 破

He guided soldiers to capture the enemy’s military camp,

飝龍 隆 太一
Feiylungf rongz dazidt,
fei33luŋ31 zɔŋ11 ta11ʔit35
飞龙 下 第一

Feilong was the first to go,

的 眉來 轉到
degt mizndaix xiansdaaus,
tɯk35 mi11ʔdai31 ɕiən35ta:u35
打 不赢 转回

He failed and returned,

飝虎 [1]  志 眉 沉
Feiyfuj xel miz xaml,
fei33fu42 ɕɯ24 mi11 ɕam24
飞虎 心里 不 满意

Feihu could not accept the failure,

隆  要 交鶏
rongz bail aul jaucgais.
zɔŋ11 pai24 ʔau24 tɕau53kai35
下 去 拿 鸡头

He had intended to cut off the enemy leader’s head,

为 里 赛中魁
Weiq lix Saiqzungykuiy,
wɯi24 li31 sai24ʦuŋ33kui33
哪知 有 赛中魁

But it turned to be Sai Zhongkui,

騎 陀 馬 亭亭
goih duez max dinzdinz,
koi33 tuə11 ma31 tin1ltin11
骑 只 马 (状)

He was putting on air riding a horse,

提 丁 忙 慈 燕
dez dinl nyamz sez eens,
11 tin24am1111 ʔen35
举 腿 敏捷 超过 燕子

His action was as fast as a fling swallow,

日 同 的 洞邏
ngonz dungx degt donghlac,
ŋɔn11 tuŋ31 tɯk35 tɔŋ33la53
一天 互相 打 下边田坝

They fought against each other in Xiaba,

日 同 殺 洞更
ngonz dungz gac donghgenz,
ŋɔn11 tuŋ11 ka53 tɔŋ33kɯn11
一天 互相 厮杀 上边田坝

They fought against each other in Shangba,

温 斗 細细
wenl daucmons xeedtxeedt,
wɯn24 tau53mɔn35 ɕet35ɕet35
雨 毛毛雨 (状)

It was drizzling at that time,

日 同的 几 到
ngonz dungxdegt jic daaus,
ŋɔn11 tuŋ31tɯk35 tɕi53 ta:u35
一天 战斗 几 次

They fought several rounds in one day,

卜 的 卜 某 來
bux degt bux mbox ndaix,
pu31 tɯk35 pu31 ʔbo31 ʔdai31
人 打 人 不 得

They did not beat each other,

卜  卜 某 落
bux gaix bux mbox dogt,
pu31 kai31 pu31 ʔbo31 tɔk35
人 推 人 不 落

And no one can win the other,

双 卜 朗 同 逢
soongl bux ndangs dungx bungz,
soŋ24 pu31 ʔdaŋ35 tuŋ31 puŋ11
两 人 厉害 相 逢

The two powerful men met each other in fighting,

眉 睍 伩 列 落
miz ranl wenz laez dogt.
mi11 zan24 wɯn11 laɯ11 tɔk35
没有 见 人 哪个 落

No one fell off the horse,

同 件 到馬 営
dungx xians daausmal yinf,
tuŋ31 ɕiən35 ta:u35ma24 jin31
一起 邀约 回来 营部

They agreed to return to the camp,

列 馬  歇氣
leez mal ninz iadtyis,
le11 ma24 nin11 ʔiət35ji35
跑 来 睡 休息

They directly took a break,

闭殿 造 罵 
bisdeenh xaaux mal ninz,
pi35ten33 ɕa:u31 ma24 nin11
铺床 才 来 睡

Shortly after lying on bed to take a break,

駡 叭夤 睍 父
mal banzhenz ranl boh.
ma24 pan11xɯn11 zan24 po33
来 做梦 见 父

He dreamed his father,

們 斗 你 當兵 仂 呵
Mengz dauc neex dangybiny leg hee,
mɯŋ11 tau53 ne31 taŋ33pin33 lɯk33 xe0
你 到 这儿 当兵 儿子 (语)

你到此当兵呀儿 [2]
You became a soldier here,

西京 里 伩 哑
Xiyjiny lix wenz qyas,
ɕi33tɕin33 li31 wɯn11 ʔja35
西京 有 人 坏

The people in Xijing are powerful and strong,

乞故 添 乃 力 料 盃
gaaisgul dimz neec reengz ndeeul bea,
ka:i35ku24 tim11 ne53 zeŋ11 ʔdeu24 pɯə0
我 添加 少许力 一 (语)

I must lend you a hand to make you more powerful,

 們  眉 過
laaul mengz xeengc miz gvas,
la:u24 mɯŋ11 ɕeŋ53 mi11 kwa35
担心 你 支撑 不 过

I am afraid that you can not beat them,

 许 們 的弓
soonl haec mengz degtgongl,
son24 xaɯ53 mɯŋ11 tɯk35kɔŋ24
教 给 你 打弓

So,firstly,I will teach you how to use the bow and arrow.

 许 們 的鉠
soonl haec mengz dezqyaangx,
son24 xaɯ53 mɯŋ1111ʔja:ŋ31
教 给 你 大刀

In addition,I will also teach you to manipulate the sword.

的 過 轉 要 岜
degt gogt xians aul byaail,
tɯk35 kɔk35 ɕiən35 ʔau24 pja:i24
打 开头 转 要 末梢

The know-how is that you seemingly attack the head but attack the tail in fact,

他 溣 太 某短
deel lengc daail mboxduanh,
te24 lɯŋ53 ta:i24 ʔbo31tuən33
他 才 死 不可

Then the enemies would be killed in that way.

想 様 你 注 心
neh yiangh neex xos saml,
33 jiəŋ33 ne31 ɕo35 sam24
想 样子 这 放 心

You should bear that in mind,

日浪 提 定 落
Hgonzlangl dez dinl dogt.
ŋɔn11laŋ2411 tin24 tɔk35
第二天 抬 脚 落

次日脚根才会稳 [3]
You can just use the know-how the next day,

麻 八下 太存
maz bazxal dazsanz,
ma11 pa11ɕa24 ta11san11
好像 庞然 (状)

Yulian was waked up with a startle,

平 料  夤 夣
banz ndeeul ninz henz mungh.
pan11 ʔdeu24 nin11 xɯn11 muŋ33
成 段 睡 晚上 梦

He made dream all the night,

睅 浪 笼 查界
Hadt langl roongh xazjaail,
xat35 laŋ24 zoŋ33 ɕa11tɕa:i24
早上 后面 亮 (状)

The dawn came the next morning,

哽 啱 壯 同殺
genl ngaaiz xuangs dungxgac,
kɯn24 ŋa:i11 ɕuəŋ35 tuŋ31ka53
吃 早饭 放 厮杀

He wanted to fight after breakfast,

騰 時午 断日
dangz xezsax doonhngonz,
taŋ11 ɕɯ11sa31 ton33ŋɔn11
到 午时 半天

At the noon,

隆 斗 江坪 廣
rongz dauc jaanglbiangh gvaangs,
zɔŋ11 tau53 tɕa:ŋ24piəŋ33 kwa:ŋ35
下 到 平地 宽

Yulian walked to a plain ground.

良 中魁 同的
riangz Zungykuiy dungxdegt,
ziəŋ11 ʦuŋ33kui33 tuŋ31tɯk35
和 中魁 对打

He fought against Kui,

五六十 合會
hacrogtxib haabweih,
xa53zɔk35ɕip33 xa:p33wɯi33
五十六 回合

They fought each other for fifty or sixty times,

玉连 的 败 過
Yiqlianf degt baaih gogt,
ji24liən31 tɯk35 pa:i33 kɔk35
玉连 打 方向 前端

Seemingly,Yulian beat at the front,

 襄   岜
redt nongx dangh bail byaail,
zɯt35 nɔŋ31 taŋ33 pai24 pja:i24
突然 矛 撑 去 末端

But in fact,he poked him at the back,

赛中魁 了 命
Saiqzungykuiy leeux mingh.
sai24ʦuŋ33kui33 leu31 miŋ33
赛中魁 完 命

Then kui died,

闭殿 造 罵 
Bidtdeenh xaaux mal ninz,
pit35ten33 ɕa:u31 ma24 nin11
铺床 才 来 睡

When Yulian just lay down the bed and closed his eyes,

麻 平夤 睍 卜
maz banzhenz ranl boh.
ma11 pan11xɯn11 zan24 po33
好像 做梦 见 父

he dreamed his father,

卜 哑 藏 若 関
Buxqyas gee roh guany,
pu31ʔja3553 zo33 kuən33
坏人 藏 外面 关卡

His father said to him that the evil are hiding behind the mountain pass,

浪里 三 妨相
lengclix saaml faangzsiangl,
lɯŋ53li31 sa:m24 fa:ŋ11siəŋ24
还有 三 鬼

Another three ghosts,

睅主 斗 破 営
hadtxoh dauc beas yinf,
xat35ɕo33 tau53 pɯə35 jin31
明早 来 破 营

They would came to attack the camp,

們 忙忙 算 计
mengz miangzmiangz suans jis,
mɯŋ11 miəŋ11miəŋ11 suən35 tɕi35
你 赶快 算 计

You should take some actions to defend.

散 笼 差 
saanl rongz xac rograul,
sa:n24 zoŋ11 ɕa53 zɔk33zau24
编织 笼 等待 斑鸠

You can design a trap for them,

要 厄 老 内 踵
aul ngeaz laaux ndael xoongh.
ʔau24 ŋɯə11 la:u31 ʔdaɯ24 ɕoŋ33
要 蛇 大 里面 洞

Just as you can dig a big hole to trap the boa.

麻 八下 太存
Maz bazxal dazsenz,
ma11 pa11ɕa24 ta11sɯn11
好橡 庞然 (状)

Yulian was frightened and startled,

平 料  夤 夣
banz ndeeul ninz henz mungh,
pan11 ʔdeu24 nin11 xɯn11 muŋ33
成 段 睡 晚上 梦

He made a dream for the whole night,

睅 浪 笼 查界
hadt langl roongh xazjaail,
xat35 laŋ24 zoŋ33 ɕa11tɕa:i24
早上 后面 亮 (状)

The next morning,

哽 啱 罵 算 计
genl ngaaiz mal suans jis,
kɯn24 ŋa:i11 ma24 suən35 tɕi35
吃 早饭 来 算 计

Yulian designed a plot at breakfast,

算 国 藏 軍 兵
suans gueh gee gunl bingl,
suən35 kuə3353 kun24 piŋ24
算 做 藏 军 兵

They were actually ambushing under the disguise of silent sleep,

囉 贼 托 江営
lox xag dogt jaanglyinf,
lo31 ɕak33 tɔk35 tɕa:ŋ24jin31
骗 贼 落 营中

In this way,they tricked and induced the enemies into the ambushing place,

兵 断 同攅
bingl doonsronl dungxneeb,
piŋ24 ton35zɔn24 tuŋ31nep33
兵 断路 夹击

They cut off the enemies’ retreating route so the enemies were seriously besieged and attacked,

三 妨相 浪 太
saaml faangzsiangl lengc daail,
sa:m24 fa:ŋ11siəŋ24 lɯŋ53 ta:i24
三 鬼子 才 死

Eventually the three Ghosts were killed,

兵 馬 敗 四向
bingl max baaih sisyiangs,
piŋ24 ma31 pa:i33 si35jiəŋ35
兵 马 败走 四面

And other enemy troops escaped and fled hither and thither,

軍 馬 殺 国 乱
gunl max gac gueh luanl,
kun24 ma31 ka53 kuə33 luən24
军 马 杀 做 死

They captured all of them,

邦 西京 定 落
beangz xiyjiny dinl dogt.
pɯəŋ11 ɕi33tɕin33 tin24 tɔk35
地方 西京 注定 败落

The Xijing was captured and occupied,

的 来 麒麟関
Degt ndaix jizlanzguany,
tɯk35 ʔdai31 tɕi11lan11kuan33
打 得 麒麟关

Finally,Yulian occupied Qilin Pass,

安営 馬 歇氣
nganyyinf mal iadtyis,
ŋan33jin31 ma24 ʔiət35ji35
安营 来 休息

They took a short break in their camp,

歇氣 來 几 日
iadtyis ndaix jic ngonz,
ʔiət35ji35 ʔdai31 tɕi53 ŋɔn11
休息 得 几 天

They took a rest for several days,

隆  盃 查谁
rongz ronl boongh xazxuih,
zɔŋ11 zɔn24 poŋ33 ɕa11ɕui33
下 路 勇猛 (状)

They walked gallantly,

 兵 馬 同偕
bedt bingl max dungxxaiz,
pɯt35 piŋ24 ma31 tuŋ31ɕai11
调 兵 马 所有

Thousands of soldiers of the arrmy marched together,

壯 力  其 慕
xuangs reengz bail jiez mos,
ɕuəŋ35 zeŋ11 pai24 tɕiə11 mo35
放 力 去 地方 新

And they covered a lot of ground with great strength and vigour.

度 過 度 离林
Doh gvas doh lixlinz,
to33 kwa35 to33 li31lin11
渡 过 渡 (状)

They passed a ferry and another,

其 過 其 离冷
jiez gvas jiez lixlanh,
tɕiə11 kva35 tɕiə11 li31lan33
地方 过 地方 (状)

They passed a place and another,

景 騰 五鬼関
jeenh dangz wujguicguany,
tɕen33 taŋ11 wu42kui42kuan33
渐渐 到 五鬼关

Five Ghost Pass was close to them,

浪里 三 妨相
lengclix saaml faangzsiangl.
lɯŋ53li31 sa:m24 fa:ŋ11siəŋ24
还有 三 鬼子

And there were malicious and vicious enemies,

[1] 此处应为“玉连”。

[2] 王伦对玉连说话。

[3] 王伦嘱咐儿子,第二天才用这招武艺。
