
所属图书:《舞之蹈之——关岭苗族芦笙舞》 出版日期:2015-04-01文章字数:1265字


Inheritance and Development


The Endless Inheritance to Later Generations


After the inheritance and development for a long time,in 2008,Guanling Miao Lusheng Dance was listed into the national intangible cultural heritage protection list with its unique style in combination of Gongfu and dance. Since then,the teaching and performing activities of Guanling Miao Lusheng Dance have been carried out widely in schools and the local place,which helps upgrade its inheritance and protection greatly.

参与花树节活动的群众人数众多Lost of visitors pouring to the Flower-tree Festival

芦笙手合奏A Lusheng ensemble

芦笙手合奏A Lusheng ensemble

村民热心芦笙舞Villagers keen on Lusheng Dance

观看芦笙舞Enjoying Lusheng Dance

笙鼓结合Lusheng and drum

笙鼓结合Lusheng and drum

笙鼓结合Lusheng and drum

芦笙演奏艺人Lusheng players

芦笙演奏艺人Lusheng players

罗世新指导当地青年学习芦笙舞Luo Shixin guiding the local youth to learn Lusheng Dance

罗世新指导当地青年学习芦笙舞Luo Shixin guiding the local youth to learn Lusheng Dance

上关镇中学芦笙舞传习基地A Lusheng Dance training base in a middle school in Shangguan town

学生阅览有关书籍Students reading books

教师指导学生学习芦笙舞Teachers guiding students to learn Lusheng Dance

教师指导学生学习芦笙舞Teachers guiding students to learn Lusheng Dance

学生编排的花棍舞The Stick Dance by the students

学生编排的花棍舞The Stick Dance by the students

学生编排的花棍舞The Stick Dance by the students

学生编排的花棍舞The Stick Dance by the students
